What's Wrong With Our Betta?


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, UK
Came back from work today to find our male vt betta kind of floating at the top of the tank not moving and looking very weird. When I lifted off lid for a closer look, he swam off among the plants, but it looked like swimming was quite hard for him to do. I can't see anything physically wrong with him, although his body has gone pale and his eyes seem glazed over. He is still breathing but anything else seems like hard work.

We have had him for about two weeks now, he's been absolutely fine, eating really well and no hassle from other fish. What's going on?

Tank stats: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20, temp 28C
When he does try to swim it is always towards the surface. He is mostly just floating near the surface, sort of on his side.
Do you use dechlorinator? Salt? How often do you feed him? What do you feed him? How big is his tank? What else is in his tank with him - other fish, substrate, decor?
Yes we use dechlorinator, every single time. (We have been fish keeping for several months now). We don't use salt, we feed him on jellied bloodworms which he relishes. His tank is a 60 litre and he is in with two peppered corys, and five harlequins. The tank is heavily planted one side, substrate is sand, decor a few pebbles and a piece of driftwood.

Just don't understand why he has been totally fine up til now. Attatched a pic. He is mostly at the angle shown, until he swims off really hard, looks like he is trying to jump out and then just gives up anbd floats on his side on the surface for a bit. He doesn't look good :( I don't think he is going to make it but would like to know what went wrong.


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:( I don't know what's wrong.. but may I say he's beautiful.. where'd you get him?
We actually got him from our local Pets At Home store (UK), which was unusual because their bettas usually look a bit rubbish. You can't tell from the pic but he is a beautiful mix of blues reds and purples with a black body that has a green iridesence to it. He's great, and I'm so sad that he's dying on us.

Well my boyfriend has just informed me that Floyd (the betta) is dead :( It's not fair, if there was a reason it wouldn't be so bad, but he's been totally fine up until now, the water stats are perfect, he's been eating well, it's so frustrating :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Sounds like a bacterial infection, try some shelled peas on the fish, what do you normally feed the fish, also what the temp is it high as that could also be making him sluggish.

Does it seem as though his tail is dragging him down, like a heavy weight, as that a sign of swim bladder.

Sorry must of been replying as i was so he died, bless him, R.I.P.
I would feed the other fish some shelled peas most fish love them, cook peas for a few minutes, let cool down, pop out of shell, mush between fingers and add to the tank, good luck.
We actually got him from our local Pets At Home store (UK), which was unusual because their bettas usually look a bit rubbish. You can't tell from the pic but he is a beautiful mix of blues reds and purples with a black body that has a green iridesence to it. He's great, and I'm so sad that he's dying on us.

Well my boyfriend has just informed me that Floyd (the betta) is dead :( It's not fair, if there was a reason it wouldn't be so bad, but he's been totally fine up until now, the water stats are perfect, he's been eating well, it's so frustrating :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

Just having read that, I also bought a betta from Pets at Home that died within a couple of weeks. In fact, at first I bought quite a few fish from them that died. Having now gone to a proper tropical fish shop, I've been told that the quality of the fish is probably not great from Pets at Home in the first place.

Sorry he died. I was gutted when mine went.

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