Whats Wrong With My Snails?

Well so far this morning I have 3 assassin snails and 1 trumpet snail moving and climbing up the side of the jug.
Most of them looked dead yesterday?! 

Its like my water is sending them into a coma or something.
Found this info online
Fluoride mg/l or ppm 0.20 - 0.28
mg/l as Ca 98 - 130
mg/l as CaCO3 245 - 325
Degrees Clarke 17 - 23
Your water isHardat 113 mg/l as calcium
I just wanted to add I have kept apple snails and ramshorn snails in a tank I had before with no problems. x
Sometimes snails will appear as if they are dead for a day or even several days.
I found this too when i first started to have snails in my tank, and was a recently set up tank too. So, perhaps that may be a factor, tank may not be mature enough and have to adapt to different water and setup perhaps. Just a theory.
If you want to be able to tell if a snail is dead, best method is to pick it up and smell it, you'll know if its dead, it stinks. If no smell or just tank smell, its likely to be fine.
Another sign is is shell is upside down and body is hanging out of shell, chances are its dead or very nearly dead.
I have just put some flake in the jug and have 8 alive and eating.
Im am going to try acclimatising again by adding 2.5ml of tank water an hour.
Assassin snails eat dead assassin snails.  I have a lot of them and have witnessed this twice... unless you see them being eaten you don't tend to spot dead assassins... you just find an empty shell.
I've not had any escapees ever, even when I had an ammonia fluctuation or when I have medicated.  This is a strange situation.  The only climbing mine do is when fetching food... like going after honey gourami eggs or a wafer that has fallen on a leaf.
Your tank sounds like it has all stuff I've either used or had in my own tanks at one point or another without any problems. 
Sorry that isn't helpful.  I hope you find the culprit.
PrairieSunflower, I'm so jealous you have lots of these snails. We can't get them here I've tried, just not imported. I wish someone would mail me some eggs so I can have some in my tank.
Im not sure if you can see this properly, but here's a pic of them in the jug.

This was around 2 hours ago. 10 out of 11 are now moving and have crawled up to the water line. I have been adding 2.5ml of tank water every hour.

Strange.  Some of my snails are quite active, but they usually go across the gravel and under things and not up.

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