What's Wrong With My Fry?

Well something isn't right as this is the 3rd outbreak in your tanks.
For now try upping the temp & using salt
Ok so I just checked on them and it's mainly good news.
Good news:
1. There hasn't been any more deaths since this morning
2. About 1/3-1/2 of them are swimming around again
3. I didn't see any visible spots on them although I saw 2 on one this morning.
Bad news:
1. Some of them still have white stringy poop
2. 1/2-2/3 are still hiding.

Could it have been the fact that the temperature was at about 76 1/2 and I raised it up to 79 1/2??
I also know that it's just the fry in the fry tank because the 4 I moved over last week are doing great in my 29 gallon tank.
Well it's about 3 1/2 hours after I upped the temp to 80 added 2 tablespoons of salt and 1/2 dosage of meds and already only 1/4 or 1/5 are still hiding and about half are swimming around looking happy again and the last 1/4 of them are just kinda sitting around. They're poop is looking better too. Odd. I only see the one with ich and earlier it had 3 spots now it looks happier and only has one. This is pretty odd but good. I lost 4 fry in this time but luckily only one that died was one I was going to keep.
Well that was weird.....
All are now swimming happily with no visible signs of any disease poop is back to normal and no more died. Hmmm I wonder what it was. I don't think they actually had ich.... Good thing I only did about a 1/4-1/3 dosage
Keep up with what you are already doing to make them feel better.
With ammonia that high whether because of a dead fry or overcrowding and filter capabilities issues you may get all type of diseases and parasites to come to life. If the adults were sick then it was probably carried on to the fry as well.
As for the bent spines, I have a few that got born prematurely with yolk sacs attached and grew up with bent spines but none of the other batches from exactly the same parents had that problem. So much about inbreeding..but water parameters can certainly cause deformities in fry.
I don't know if you mentioned water changes once a week but for growing fry I would do 3-4 water changes a week, if not every day when I have time.

Edit: Did you say ammonia is 1ppm or is it 0.1ppm. What type of tests are you using to measure it?
I said .1 ppm as it 1/10th of 1. I'm using the API master liquid test kit. They're better now and I'll try and do water changes 2-3 times weekly but usually I don't have that much time with baseball, track, homework, and a few others it's hard to jiggle it all if you know what I mean ;)
How do you measure 0.1ppm with the Api test kit? Or is it just a tinge of green you see?
I am not judging your water changes schedule as once a week is more than enough usually. It is just better for smaller fry to get more water changes, especially if you feed them regularly as they need when they are smaller.

I am glad they are better. It was probably the bits of ammonia that got to them.
It's in between the 0 and .25 like it's not quite 0 but not quite .25 if you know what I mean. These guys are almost 5 months old now about 4 1/2 months I think. Maybe 4 I don't remember. Some are older and some are younger but youngest is about 2 1/2 and oldest maybe 6
Oh, they are nearly adults then. It could be the filter that can't keep up with the grown fish now causing ammonia spikes. It's just a thought but how many litres per hour is the filter installed in the tank?
Supposedly 100 gallons so about 370/380 liters but probably only around 325/350 with media in and it's a ten gallon tank. They are about 1/2 inch with largest at about 2/3 of an inch. (2 1/2 cm is one inch) and the smallest about 1/3-3/8 of an inch. Thanks for the help :)
That seems to me more than enough for the tank size so it's more than likely not it. I am out of suggestions. Just keep an eye on the white poop you saw in case it turns out as parasites. This takes longer to properly show up. Hopefully I am wrong. Sorry, don't want to make you worry more than you already probably do.
Yeah I'm still keeping a close eye on them but I guess my eyes are playing tricks on me because now I only see the one original one with a bent back bone so that's good :) I also can't find a solution.
I also can't find a stressor in my tanks.

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