What's wrong with my cockatoo?


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I was going to post this in the emergency section but things look alright for the fish now.

Today I added a few new fish into my tank - a pair of cockatoos and 4 ghost shrimp. I'm not sure one had anything to do with the other but about 3 or 4 hours after adding the fish, I was looking at my tank and my female cockatoo - not one I just bought but one living in the tank for about six weeks - started swimming around like crazy, darting all over the place. Then she ducked down behind a piece of driftwood, started laying on her side and breathing heavily. I thought for sure she was dying. A few minutes later I couldn't find her anymore.

About an hour after that, I find her in her usual hiding spot poking her head out as if nothing ever happened? Is this fish suffering from some disease or is she just a little off? She is not the healthiest fish. When I first got her I thought after about 3-4 days she was going to die. She survived but developed some kind of eye trouble, which never cleared up.

She is blind in one eye now. However, it doesn't seem to affect her too much, except when my male agassizi decides to pick on her. Then it's hard for her to defend herself. I thought that maybe he picked on her to death but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Anybody got a clue?
I think I'd raise cane at the LFS and encourage them to suspend cockatoo business with their supplier...

She also may not be happy that her male(s) are gone and some new chick showed up with a man. I know my girlfriend gets like that when I'm out of town..
This is the old female so unless my new female and male bite the dust I'm cool with the lfs. Today they gave me a replacement male double red, no charge and free glass shrimp (well, big deal, but at least they're making an effort). Of course, if he dies then they'll still owe me a fish and I'm going to take an agassizi.
Well the 'free glass shrimp' isn't a huge offset to the hassle... but as you said... it's the effort that matters. It does seem that your LFS cares about your business. I definitely give them props for that. I just hate hearing about your Cockatoo issues as... I'm a week away from being vulnerable to having some of my own!


Good Luck!
Are you going to buy your cockatoos from a lfs or are you doing the mail order thing?
If I get my way... I'm going to have my LFS order via Apisto Dave. If that doesn't work I'm not sure which I priorities higher... supporting the LFS that I trust and appreciate or getting my fishes from the breeder that I most trust (via reputation). I will most likely do what I need to do to order through Apisto Dave though.... your experience is part of what has pushed me toward that decision.
I say get the best stock you can. You can still be loyal to your lfs in other ways.

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