What's Wrong With My Betta?!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Carson, CA
Today when I left for work, my betta looked something like this:


When I came back from work today, he looked like this (the photo is a bit blurry but I think you get the gist):


I was told that this was a male, so I don't think it's eggs. What is it?! It just happened over the course of one day! He looks like he's about to explode even though he appears to act normal. His coloring seems about the same and I just did a water change 5 days ago. I don't have anything that changes the pH or anything like that, but does it matter that I started feeding my cories in there alpha wafers? Would that make him sick? Any ideas?!

Haha, looks like somebody has been nibbling the cory wafers! I wouldn't worry too much about it, but maybe break the wafers in half so he can't get as much from the cories and feed him his food at the same time to help distract him from it :p
Mine's been ravaging the frog food when I'm not watching and is getting to be just the same way. I think I'm gonna break stuff up too like synirr suggested and put it in a spot he can't easily get to. Pudgey guys!! :lol:
Thanks! I was starting to get really worried. I can't believe he gorged himself like that! Damn little piggy making me worry!

:lol: little tig! most of my guys are pretty selective about what they eat. Got no gravel in their tanks now so I can see what they eat! :nod:
It's good you posted though as they can get sick from over-eating...these guys are so over the top with everything else so why not that too? haha Mine is going to start looking like a blimp if I don't take some steps here......
I've found it helps to soak my Pleko's food in water before putting it in... then it sinks to the bottom faster, and while George, my VT might try to take a bit or two while its on the way down, it is far to below his dignity to eat off the -bottom- of the tank. XD He's not picky, but he is a bit of a snob like that. lol We get those little paper dixie cups, like they use at the dentist office? And I'll dip that in the tank to get some tank water to soak the food in.
bettas are such piggies!

my bruce is looking the same way, and my snails eggs, they hatch, but there never seems to be any babies...i wonder where their going.... :rolleyes:
bettas are such piggies!

my bruce is looking the same way, and my snails eggs, they hatch, but there never seems to be any babies...i wonder where their going.... :rolleyes:

I wish my bettas would eat snail eggs. These pesky physa acuta are taking over my tanks!
Hmmm perhaps I should cut down on my bettas food! My DT has a really big round tummy! Thing is I keep intending on not to feed him for a couple of days but he just comes to the front of the tank when I'm feeding the others and I feel really guilty if I dont drop some food in! My girls are pigs too not only will they devour freeze dried tubifex but they then start on the algae wafers too :rolleyes:! But what can you do but love them? :wub:

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