Whats Ur Best Fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2010
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whats the best fish uv got and why ?
Shrimpy the Amano shrimp, he is just so funny to watch and goes straight up your arm if in the tank, plus he is my only 'fish' at the min :lol:
lol with only one fish u havent got a lot of choice
Channa gachua! The large male tries to eat my arm during maint time! He stalks me then pounces!
Labidochromis caeruleus. They have awesome colors and are absolutely nuts.
Channa gachua thats a wierd looking fish

gachua are beautiful man ... especial the super bengal blue variety

my personaly favourite... is channa bleheri ... a beautiful yet cheap snakehead, a nice alternative to the larger gachua and pulchra but looks very majestic....

mine bites people i dont like, so its just better than my oldest female synodontis multipunctatus, the former favourite.. its still close just because shes so pretty, though she isnt as good at detering small children ;)
Snakeheads are my fav fish beautiful but will take a chunk out of you cuz they can!
mine are me blood parrots and kribs
mine are corys!!! i only have C. copei, so it'll have to be them, but i love all corys except albino and peppered. don't know why, but they look weird to me :good:
whats the most has anyone paid for a fish

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