What's This ?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2011
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I swear I've worked myself up into a tizzy this week over fish! (and kids, lol)

I delt with water issues this past week and ammonia, nitrites krept up.
I put prime in the tank but worried my pleco might have side effects from it. I've looked at every photo I have of it and can't tell if it had it when I got it (Dec 29). My back photo's it looks new but the side it looks like it's there. Those are bad photo's though!

Please tell me if it's something and how to fix it !


* pic is fixed :good:
I'm a little lost, what are you referring to?

Do you mean the slight change in colour? If so it could be down to the poor water quality, it shouldn't be from the Prime.

If that is the case then addressing the water quality will solve the problem.

Some plecos do have the ability to change colour, mine did it when stressed and feeding.

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