What's This?

Thank you! My little guy is named Epsilon Naught (or Epsilon, Epsie, Epper for short). ε is the Greek lowercase letter "epsilon", and the little subscripted o is the physics denotation for "default" or "initial," and is pronounced "sub zero" or "naught" for short. Epsilon is used to denote electric permittivity, and thus (εo) is the permittivity of free space. I had a long description here of what that was, but in previewing my post, I realized most of you won't care beyond what's here. I guess all you really need to know is that I am a nerd. :p. I made a reference to Gauss somewhere, and that's because he made Epsilon naught famous by way of Guass's Law, which relates electric field to the source charge.

God I love this guy! He's resting in his leaves now, it's so cute.

First off, I can't believe I actually got the Gauss reference at the begining of the post... :no: :p

Secondly, haha, we all knew you would fall prey to the overpowering-cuteness that is betta. :D
By that definition, I am only a geek until fall semester this week. They don't allow social lives after classes begin. :p
EDIT: But I checked in with the students, and apparently they DO allow fish. Yayyy!

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