Whats This 1Wpg 2Wpg


Mar 4, 2010
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Mitcham UK
probably a really dumb question, but as im still quite new to aquariums, I keep seeing all this talk about lighting and keep seeing for low tech use 1WPG or 2WPG bulbs for high tech, what does WPG stand for? again sorry if this is really dumb :hyper:

I tried and failed badly on a planted tank ealier this year and before restarting I want to mkae sure I got more knowledge before I attempt it again in the new year.
Watts per gallon :). How many watts you have in total from your bulbs, divided by how many gallons is in your tank :).
thanks guys, I thought it might of meant something like that, but I did not want to sound more stupid than I actually am :blush:
Better to ask than never find out! There are probably dozens of people glad you asked. The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked!
Better to ask than never find out! There are probably dozens of people glad you asked. The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked!

Indeed, you never know unless you ask, I asked it about 6 months ago myself lol.

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