What's The Weirdest Thing Your Fish Do?


Dec 27, 2006
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my gold severum spends hours everyday carefully examining the intake strainer of my external filter and the pipe that leads out of the tank... at first i thought he was looking for stuff to eat attached to the strainer... but having watched him, he just looks at it.

It makes me think he's been watching too much prison break or somthing :good:

That got me wondering... do any of your fish doing anything weird?
My last remaining old stock male guppy continually follows just one particular sunset platy despite me introducing 5 (yes 5) female guppies of various colours :fish: :fish:
:rolleyes: my kissing gourami (its friend fell to skinny disease) constantly grapples with his reflection in the tank glass.
i have a golden plec that stands on its noes and stays motionless for some time.
i have a golden plec that stands on its noes and stays motionless for some time.

if my plec is out and about and sees you move outside the tank.... it just drops like a stone... it's landed at some pretty funny angles.
my guppie picks fights with fish 50x its size
A guppy = aprox 1"+.....so a fish 50 times it's size! what the hell you got in there! :shout: lol.
my female motoro stingray has recently started coming to the surface and letting me stroke her underside its very cool :D
i have been trying to catch it on video for you all to see but its very hard
My oscar keeps his side of the tank clean of debris and such
Every week i clean the tank and move the pieces of wood and small rocks around to clean everywhere

the oscar will spend hours moving everything against the glass and scooping up sand and spitting it out away from his side of the tank. Only thing he has trouble with is the 12 inch tube where the pleco hides. he spends hours trying to push it away but he just can't. when he does manage to push it a bit, i just set it back where it usually is and the fish gets mad... lol!
My betta likes to cram himself into some plastic tubing that I have wrapped around the filter output to slow the current. His goal is to attack the mass of squirming bubbles trapped in there. :p
I have quite a large yoyo loach, which I've now moved to a separate tank due to him picking on and attaching smaller fish (platys, neons). He'll be joined by some cichlids soon!

Anyway, the strange thing he does is swimming up and down in a vertical oval at the back left of the corner, near the filter inlet and heater. He does this day and night, whether the light is on or off. And he's dug a hole in the sand at the point where he makes the lower turn.


One of my neons got a bit excited at feeding time last night and jumped out!
What's The Weirdest Thing Your Fish Do?

Breath water! :hey:

I had a good laugh at that one. :good:

My oscar spits gravel at his tankmate, a 15" plec, just to instigate a game of chase. I set this tank up with large gravel, it's about marble size, but he's big enough now to pick up this gravel. I can tell when he's been causing trouble, the tank is trashed, filter intakes knocked off, plants strewn about.

One of the two of them, I'm suspecting the oscar, stuck the filter intake halfway down the tank through a large piece of driftwood. Ususally I find it floating at the surface, this time it was like a kid hiding something they broke.
One of my corys sleeps on its head sometimes. It's very weird and he's perfectly healthy... he's been doing it for months. Sometimes vertically, sometimes on his back. It also scares me because I think he's dead!

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