Whats the stupidest/most useless fish related thing you have bought.

Well, the one who sold it lives in the same country as I do. Just a day shipment. And I do know my way with killifish eggs. But there was literally no eggs to be found. But again, he never responded back to me after I've told him that he only send me sand. I never had that problem with others.
What do you do with it? Maybe I don’t have the stuff you use it for. I thought I would move decor or planting in the tank but it’s too stiff and I can’t really close it on things 🤷🏻‍♀️
picking up plants, moving things around, killing snails, picking out floaters to throw away, picking up dead fish, retrieving parts of plants that I have trimmed... Like I said, I use it all the time.
I’ve bought stupid stuff for sure. The dumbest thing I think would have to be, a long tweezer type thing. It holds nothing. Idk, maybe it’s for some other type tank, but I never have used them after I tried to use them to put new plants on the substrate.

I use mine all the time.

picking up plants, moving things around, killing snails, picking out floaters to throw away, picking up dead fish, retrieving parts of plants that I have trimmed... Like I said, I use it all the time.

Someone else also said that they found their aquascaping kit to be useless, but I love mine and use all of it. The tweezers are useful for all kinds of stuff, like shoving root tabs under plants, retrieving trimmings, grabbing anything out of the tank, especially if it's wedged down among the plants, even getting wedged stuff out of my syphon tube.

The long scissors are mainly useful when the planting is dense, and to trim plants that have thick stems, like breaking off a section of a plant that has a thick rhizome - java fern, anubius, buces - I used mine to halve my bolbitus and send some to a fellow hobbyist friend. I suppose you could just use ordinary scissors, but again, with dense planting or especially in a tall tank, I find them handy.

The spatula tool I've used when scaping a new tank, but also when I've sifted through sand to remove snails or separate out the gravel the cories have shifted into the sand.

I imagine people who are seriously into aquascaping use them far more often too. There are some cheap and useless kits on the market too. Mine wasn't pricey either, but not the cheapest one, and one with good reviews.

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