What's The Most You've Paid For A Fish?

How much have you paid???

  • 0.99P - 5GBP (approx. $9)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5GBP - 10GBP (approx. $18)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10GBP - 20GBP (approx $35)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20GBP - 50GBP (approx. $89)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50GBP - 100GBP (approx. $178)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100GBP + ($178 +)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Just wandering! What's the most you've ever paid for a fish? Below is my complete tank pricing!

Head + Tail Tetras X 6 = 0.99P Each
Betta X 1 = 4 Pound 50P
Cory Catfish X 2 = 2 Pound 25P Each
At the moment, just over £7. Most of my fish have been cheap, i take advantage of sales, clearence etc. For insance, I bought some bettas that had been unsold online so were cheap, got two and had a freebie guy too. The khulis, cories, swordtails and danios were all bought at a discount.
Would it just be the fish or can I include shipping costs? I suppose that its part of the cost of the fish because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to buy the fish.
Not really - just the fish. I was just wandering because there was this massive fish at my LFS the other for only 25 pounds and right next to it was a little puffer for 65 pounds!
I bought a pair of clown loaches for £15, that was my biggest price for a pair of fish. As for buying them seperately, probably an 11" plec costing me around £10.00 if I remember correctly..

Here is a thread from a little over a month ago on the same thing, just not a poll. For me, it's $4.99 each for my angel fish. Now if you go ask this in the SW section, you will get some big numbers.
My most expensive fish are my Corydoras weitzmanis. I paid $55 each for 5 of them which is a total of $275 plus shipping. Unfortunatly, one arrived dead and another on its way out. (After a bit of touch and go, the remaining 3 are fine.)

BTW, the seller still hasn't made good on the two that died. :/
£7.00 pound each for three panda corys, and they were well worth there money, still going strong.
£7.00 each, for a panda cory, omg you were ripped off. At my LFS, healthy good quality tanks etc no lacking in facilities or anything like that, price for panda corys are £2.00 each.
Only twenty five quid for a pair for these little beauties and I would have paid a lot more. (not my actual fish but a representation of the species)
Diapteron Fulgens.
(I'm going to nick them when you're not looking BigC ;) )

timmystood, you might find some replies in this thread interesting too - a pity the polls older than 30 Sep 05 are't displaying properly anymore :/

Edit: oh and forgot to say, it was just under £40 per fish for L255's (each, excluding postage). And all four of them died over a period of 3 months or so :-(

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