Whats The Most Challenging Fish You Have Kept?

My flame gouramis! They were a form of the dwarf gourami so thats probably my problem. There both dead now. One died of fin rot because i didnt get the treatment in time and the other was lost to bloat. RIP little friends! :rip: :byebye:
guppies.... i had them one day and they both died. eaten alive by there tank mates, one had no head and its insides hanging out :sick:
Otocinclus affinis (ottos)..

Didnt matter what I tried - they just don't like my tanks... :(
Same here, Ill throw some in a mature tank with less than 10 nitrates and tons of algae and they still dont make it, I even have soft water....I just cant keep them.

Celestial Pearl Danios! I have lost 10 out of 16. 3 wild caught batches from different shops. I have no idea why for the majority. A few were transport stress related. Remaining 6 are strong and doing well now though.
Rivulus xiphidius
Fry rearing.
Reedfish as I discovered two weeks ago when the two I bought escaped against what I thought was impossible odds. Now I've got them in an "escape proof " tank they are the easiest fish to keep but my god what houdinis!!

for fish I cannot keep alive it would have to be Dwarf Gouramis. I've had about 3 pairs in my sons tank and they just wither and die despite the cardinals and neons in there thriving for last 3 years or so
Presently, my oscar.
He's gone a bit gangster recently, killed his partner last week and is swimming around with a crayfish tail sticking out of his mouth this morning.
Hope he can cough it up, cos it's going to hurt him.

lmao..well he sounds like a nice fella :p

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