What's The Growth Speed Of These Fishes


New Member
Sep 3, 2010
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I need some advice on the full growth speed of the fishes... so accordingly i can create my community tank. Because all community tank creator take the full size in consideration and according to that we will have only few fish in the tank. In fact according to the thinkfish community creator all these fishes can be part of my tank even when fully grown... but i don't believe.

My tank is 36 x 24 x 18 - approx 210 litre water after removing unfilled space on top and gravels, decorations.
My filter is external top filter which circulates the water at 2500 litre per hour speed.

Please tell about the following fishes... how long they take to grow fully... or in 1 year how much they grow.

Bala Shark

Silver Dollar


Redline Torpedo Barb

Rosy Barb

Black Widow Tetra

German Blue Ram



I am planning these fishes in one tank... because my filter is good and in starting these fishes are only 3 inch maximum. If takes several years to grow fully then i can go for now.. and after few years increase the size of the tank.
Growth rates depend on too much to say really. Depends on temp, feeding, stress, tank size, health, etc. Some fish can grow to nearly full size in a year and others of the same species can take twice as long.

Bala shark - slow grower but NO WAY suitable for a 3 foot tank, even if it is 210 litres. They'll reach 12" so need a 6 foot tank as a minimum as they are also a species that is stressy and needs to live in groups.

Silver Dollar - another large fish shoaling fish that will be very cramped in a 3 foot tank. Reach 6 inches across. If you had a 4 foot tank, they'd be an option.

Angelfish - 6-8 inches and a slow swimmer. Good option for your tank as long as you don't have nippy, bullying fish. Relatively soft watr fish.

Redline Torpedo Barb - reaches 6 inches and IMO will be very cramped in your tank.

Rosy Barb - reach 4 inches or so, good shoaling fish for your tank.

Black Widow Tetra - 2 inches or so, another good shoaling fish.

German Blue Ram - 3 inches max size. Very, very picky about water and needs a warm tank (28C plus) and low pH and soft watr. A fish to build your tank around and IMO shouldn't be attempted in a tank with harder water without a LOT of previous experience with them.

Molly - 3-4 inches, depending on variety. Good fish for your tank size BUT needs hard water. Shouldn't be mixed with rams and the like for this reason.

Platy - basically like a small molly, just less fussy about water. Still wants hard water, though.

If you added good groups of these fish (so 6 for the shoalers, at least 3 for bala sharks) you'd be over stocked, especially as your tank is quite short and so doesn't give much lateral swimming space.

Sorry that I can't giv much info on growth rates. As I said, it depends. I'd expect most of these to be full size at around a year old, some longer.
I agree with everything Assaye said :good:. Though I find platies do really well in soft water too.

And yes, they will grow too big well within a year.
Thanks Assaye for the wonderful info. I will not bring the bala sharks.

Few said.. Black Widow Tetra is a fin nipper and creates problem for Angelfish and Siamese fighter.

I have 5 angelfish with 5 tetra and 5 rosybarb but there is no fin nipping. Current size is 1 inch, so when they grow then become the fin nipper or creates problem for me?

It is said... Redline Topedo barb needs a 3ft tank... so i think that will work in my tank...how many u will recommend 3 or 4?

Can I add one siamese fighter beta male in my tank with redline, rosybarb, angelfish, tetra, silver dollars.
I have to agree with Assaye on this one. Some of the species you have selected aren't suitable.

If i remove the Ram and Bala shark from the list then i think... all can go in a 67 gallon tank, because filtration is also quite nice.
If you saw how big and active the torpedo barbs get, you wouldn't want to keep them in a 3 foot tank :). Youtube them or something and look at the biggest ones.

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