What's The Funniest Thing Your Fish Has Ever Done?


Apr 24, 2006
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I thought it would be fun to share some amusing stories.

Funniest thing I have witnessed my triple red cockatoo cichlid do is hover mid-water, and stare at bubbles from the airstone in a wistful manner. When he does this I know he's hungry. :lol:

Oh, and my BN pleco likes to scare the heck out of me by sleeping on his back under his piece of wood.
The funniest thing... hmm...

Okay, I have a 45 gallon with a big 5-6 inch channel cat and a 5 inch Painted Turtle. I fed them some live nightcrawlers, their absolute FAVORITE food. The catfish grabbed a big one and it was sticking out of him mouth like a tongue or something it was so funny, the worm was still squirming. :p Then he gulped it down and a few minutes later it came back up, still squirming :sick: The catfish is cruiseing around the tank with the worm sticking out and the turtle watching. Then the catfish stays still for a minute in his little corner near his favorite rock and the turtle comes up and bites his dorsal fin. The catfish took off, speeding around the tank as fast as he could go, turning, zigzagging, even flipping, with a worm sticking out of his mouth the whole time! :p But the turtle hung on!!! And when he finally let go the cat's dorsal fin was a little bloddy, but there weren't any chunks sticking out of it. He made a full recovery in about two days. :good: The turtle just acted liike nothing happened.
He's teaching my 1.5 inch snapper, too! I fed earthworms again a few weeks ago and the snapper got a whole worm to himself (quite an achevement considering everything else in the tank is 5 times his size) and then the same catfsih snatch it from him while it was in his mouth, but he hung on and was dragged around the tank! In the end, the worm broke, and he got the bigger half! Poor worm! lol
Dunno if it's funny haha, but it's definately funny in the bizarre sense.

I remember 3 or 4 years back going to bed and I had left the lid off my tank for some reason that escapes me now. Woke up in the middle of the night and heard this thumping noise coming from behind the unit I had my tank on. After a few moments of bewilderment as to what could be the cause I looked behind and found that my Loach had decided it was an excellent opportunity to go looking for a new waterhole, probably a mate too and was banging himself against the back of the cabinet as he tried to propel himself along the carpet. Luckily for him he woke me up as I'm sure he wouldnt have survived the night out of the water. :)
watching a male turtle, penis out and read for action, only to have the female bite it and then get dragged around the tank for 30 seconds
Well in my tank that i have had for a couple of weeks nothing that mad ha happened but it always makes me laugh when the little albino cory starts playing round in the bubble spinning round and evrything, he looks so cute :wub:
Another one is really old story that my mum said heppened befor i was born, and its quite odd. Well we had a tropical tank and they had a species of flying fish. Anyway, my mum was cleaning out the tank and the lid was off(can you see where its going lol) and my brother (about 2 at the time) was sitting mesmarised by the fish. When my mum was out the room, one of the flying fish must have jumped out of the half filled tank. My mum walks into the room and sees my brother with the flying fish inbetween finger and thumb holding it over his open mouth, she manages to stop him from eating out fishy friend and he is returned safley to his tank and seem fine. :D

THere we go

I can remember going to a fish store and saw a tiny tank with dozens of danios in it. For some reason, I opened the top of the tank, and one jumped out and landed on my shoe. It was like he was saying "Take me with yoooou, it's much too crowded in there!" I felt sorry for the little guy so I bought him <3!!!
somethings happened quite funny today...my hubby bought me a special remote control submersible submarine for aquariums from our lfs which we'd never seen before. when he tested it out, all the fishes in my tank thought it was something to eat and went heading over. once we began to move it around the tank all the little tetras, harlequins and danios decided it was worth chasing after it and then headbutting it once we stopped it. it was like "follow the bear" (or in this case follow the submarine) they all go beserk when we put it back in thinking its playtime now....my parents have also bought me some disco lights specially fitted for aquriums which i've got to fit soon so not sure what they'd make of that.
This is so funny! Another thing my turtle does is when he's underwater, if I put my finger near the tank, he tries to bite it through the glass, and ends up bounceing off fo the glass, coming back, and doing it again... and again... and again... untill I move my finger. Now my little snapper does it too. Another thing he does, is when I put the container with the fish food over the tank to pour some tutrtle food in, he goes in the water, then paddles as hard as he can, hard onough to get high enough to bite the container, about 4 inches over the water. It's funny, cause all of his food is hitting himn in the head and face, and the catfish are eating it, while he's busy trying to bite the container. I always have to put food on his ramp so he gets some. :lol:
Haha funny stories. Ok here's mine. One time while feeding flakes to my Betta my ghost shrimp climbed on my Betta's head to get to the food floating at the surface and my Betta didn't even mind. :lol:

Another time my ghost shrimp swam upside down to grab a flake floating at the surface. They are really good at detecting food that has just been dropped in the water. I guess they can smell it.
I've never had shrimp before... maybe I'll get a few for my 10g... Would rummy nose tetras eat them?

I know my catfish can smell food a mile away :D

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