Hi..I hope Navarre and some other marine aquarists will back me up here, but, many people ask the question " what is the cheapest way I can set up an 'x gallon' marine tank?". Commonly, the 'x' is a 10, 20, or 30 gallon tank. Unfortunately, I don't think the words 'cheap' and 'marine' go hand in hand. We here are all quite familiar with the phrase "you want a saltwater tank? Oh man, I've heard they're a lot harder and more expensive than FW". Well, there is some truth to it, but, it doesn't have to be that way if you start out right: with a good educational base, the right equipment and good experienced marine aquarists available to help you get your feet wet.
Trying to cut corners and rush into a SW tank is the best way to get burned, not only with your wallet, but, with the hobby. It will be very hard to keep your desire to have a beautiful tank if it crashes early on. Patience is the key. Some of us are working and can support a marine tank. Others are in college or HS and some need a little bit of financial help from parents. To give an idea of what the startup costs are for those who really want a tank in the nano size, I've listed a rough draft of equipment and costs to give a general idea. A 20 AGA is a good basic starter FOR A NANO REEF (not normally a recommended tank volume for marine)and I will list lighting assuming it will be a reef tank. By NO MEANS IS THIS INCLUSIVE and I have NOT SEARCHED OUT THE CHEAPEST numbers. That I'll leave to you. This is meant as a guide. Bottom line, better off to save up, IMO, and get off to a good work than to start off rag tag.
1) 20G long AGA tank $40
2) Tank stand $39
3) Powerhead $15
4) Heater $17
5) Thermometer $7
6) Refractometer $43
7) Power compact lighting $150
8) Marine test kit $16
9) Sea salt $18
10) live rock $100 without shipping (#3.99/lb x 25lbs)
11) live sand $20
12) AquaClear HOB filter (for media) $20
Total is about $485 and I have not included a lot of things like source for pure water, nets, gravel vacs, filter media etc. This is meant as just a guide. You could cut this in price by buying things from friends and off of ebay. SH
Trying to cut corners and rush into a SW tank is the best way to get burned, not only with your wallet, but, with the hobby. It will be very hard to keep your desire to have a beautiful tank if it crashes early on. Patience is the key. Some of us are working and can support a marine tank. Others are in college or HS and some need a little bit of financial help from parents. To give an idea of what the startup costs are for those who really want a tank in the nano size, I've listed a rough draft of equipment and costs to give a general idea. A 20 AGA is a good basic starter FOR A NANO REEF (not normally a recommended tank volume for marine)and I will list lighting assuming it will be a reef tank. By NO MEANS IS THIS INCLUSIVE and I have NOT SEARCHED OUT THE CHEAPEST numbers. That I'll leave to you. This is meant as a guide. Bottom line, better off to save up, IMO, and get off to a good work than to start off rag tag.
1) 20G long AGA tank $40
2) Tank stand $39
3) Powerhead $15
4) Heater $17
5) Thermometer $7
6) Refractometer $43
7) Power compact lighting $150
8) Marine test kit $16
9) Sea salt $18
10) live rock $100 without shipping (#3.99/lb x 25lbs)
11) live sand $20
12) AquaClear HOB filter (for media) $20
Total is about $485 and I have not included a lot of things like source for pure water, nets, gravel vacs, filter media etc. This is meant as just a guide. You could cut this in price by buying things from friends and off of ebay. SH