Whats The Best Way To Lower Ph Shock's Effect?


Fish Addict
Jun 27, 2005
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Hi all, recently I just tear my 20g down for a clean up and redecoration. And all of the 20g fish been remove to 10g for now. My tank has running for 3 days now and ammonia and nitrite and nitrate r droping back to the stats before I tear it down which is pretty quick :). My problem now is that my 10g isn't a heavily planted tank so no co2 and ph is at 8. While on the other hand my 20g got insaned co2 injection like 1bouble per sec with ph of 7. What should I do during transportation to avoid too much stress caused by ph? I dont plan to put my yoyo back as in a week or so they be going to my LFS for tradeback. So right now there will be 5cory with 3 clown I'm planning on putting back. Any one help?

Thx for looking
Hi Jack, The easiest way would be to turn off your CO2 in your 20g, temporarily and let the ph raise back up again.
Or you could slowly replace the water in your 10G with water from the 20, like over a day or two. We set up a drip with our siphon when we did it, but you could do like 10% at a time or something. Unless of course theres something about co2 I don't know, because I've never used it. :dunno:

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