What's the best medicine to use for ich?


New Member
Apr 18, 2004
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My freshwater tank which reads 0 amonia and 0 nitrite and a good PH has developed ich. I bought "copper safe" by mardel but it says you add once a month. It seems hard for me to believe that adding a medicine only once will cure ick. Has anyone used coppersafe and if so, does it really work?? Is it true that you only add it once a month and it will cure ick? If not, please recommend another product for ick. If I have to use one that stains the silicone glue, such as Rid ick by Kordon, I will. Please respond as soon as possible if you have had success getting rid of this parasite and let me know what you used. Thank you very much.
I would use QuICK Cure or Tetra Contra-Spot, both have malachite green and formalin, if you have invretabrates, a great medication is WS3 (white spot terminator 3) by King British, they also have a watered down version called anti white spot or something very similar.

You should put the temp up to 28C for a few days while treating and add an airstone.

I usually dont treat for white spot, I just put the temp up to 30C for a few days and the spots quickly dissapear. Saying that, I havent had Ich for over two years :)

85 deg. F!!! And malechite green....make sure you take out any carbon filtration or that will suck up any meds you put in.
I also recently cured the ICH just by raising the temperature and without adding anything. It was amazing. Everybody looks great and no more white spots.

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