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Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Hello, havent been on here in a long while, and theres a killifish sub-forum! Didnt think that would go ahead...
Anyway, just wanted to know whats new with the oddballers...
Is your 300g set-up yet cane?
Is your pond done CFC?
ANyone got any cool new rays or cats?
Whos got new fish? (saw some of yours CFC)

Baisically, whats going on?


Good stuff guys. What else is going/gone in the 125g then Maximus?
Cane, good choice, whats it called? Enjoyable?
Thanks for the welcoming back :good:

Hey there,

Catfish - There gonna be the only thing
in there for a while, cos i dont have a clue
what else to go in there! (Suggestions Welcome lol)

Demon - I wondered about this before getting them,
so i joined Aquatic Preditors (hope thats not breaking the rules)
And they have a Bichir forum, with alot of pros lol

Turns out they keep up to 10 Bichirs in a tank!

They all told me they would be fine,
But thanks alot for the concern :good:

I'm picking them up later on today!

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Ah good stuff...Hope they all settle in allright
For more stock, id add a cat or two, maybe a trachycorystes trachycorystes (my fave cat) or a sturegon (surely spelt wrong...) or an ornate pim or something. Then id have some dats for the middle, but thats just me haha.
I need to like re-stock my tank, cos ive lost some of the lil fellas, hence why I havent been on, just takin a break from it for a while, because of numerious power-cuts a while back (had to replace tankwater with boiling water just to keep the temp up until like 1 in the morning, when I just gave up) I have lost both the yellowtails now, and another halfbeak due to the power-cuts...So im planning on putting both halfbeaks and the ottos into my planted tank, then I can re-stock the 38 with some cool stuff, aswell as the half-banded thats in there now
Wanting to get some more hard to keep, unusual species this time. Anyone got any surrgestions? (id kinda like to try the two slate blue nandus that tropical imports have...)

:fun: :fun: :fun: :fun: :fun:

Finally got my Bichirs :hyper:

They told me they had to order in at least six
so i had a few to choose from but, as
we all would have done........i ended up getting four :lol:

There floating in the bags as we speak!

Catfish - I was thinking of a few dats myself lol
As for an idea for you; in there today they had
a prehistoric monster fish! I'm thinking about it
myself lol I could put it upstairs (talking to myself lol)

Oh yea and another good thing, Guess what it cost
me for my four 5-6" Delhezi's?
Id like one, but livefoods are meant to be essential to species like that and chaca chacas...

I dont know, do oyu live in England? If so, id expect about £50 for all 4? In America however, could be like $20 or something rediculas like that...

Id like one, but livefoods are meant to be essential to species like that and chaca chacas...

I dont know, do oyu live in England? If so, id expect about £50 for all 4? In America however, could be like $20 or something rediculas like that...


I wanted a chaca chaca for upstairs aswell, the both aren't that different really.

Dont great minds think alike lol?

I'm in England, a mile from stonehenge.

they cost me £20; I work in my lfs and pulled a few strings lol

What size tank(s) do you have?
Got a 38g and a 17/18g planted. Its not really my cup of tea these smaller tanks (wrote the stingray guide, and into larger cats etc) but its the best I can have ATM. Planning on a p bass/ray/gar/aro tank of a few hudreds gals, but its a plan for the next 2 years really. Like I said though, the tanks not been aswell as it used to be, been a few deaths, but should get everything sorted soon, and Im gonna get a new external and re-stock it.

That tank would be a site!

I thought i seen your name in a pin somewhere.

How about a smaller species of snakehead
some are hard to come by and very colourful.

Oh and sorry for the losses -_-
I love releasing fish from their bags, and they shoot down and check the place out.
Yeah, top of the oddball forum is the thread.
Yeah theres loads of cool pred tanks on the site you mentioned earlier, have a look at Dieselmack
He has some great tanks...
ANyone seen the artical in PFK recently about the big tank in a cellar, its on their site.

I love releasing fish from their bags, and they shoot down and check the place out.
Yeah, top of the oddball forum is the thread.
Yeah theres loads of cool pred tanks on the site you mentioned earlier, have a look at Dieselmack
He has some great tanks...
ANyone seen the artical in PFK recently about the big tank in a cellar, its on their site.


Was on it last night lol

They swim really slow, but smoothly. It's quite creepy lol

Oh and did you read the bit about when he said if he moves house hes gonna do the same thing
(in the basement) but ALOT bigger. Wonder if he will get more when selling the current house?

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