Whats killing my Gouramis?

That is why I say stress on a long-term can kill fishes and leads to almosy every diseases.
Reason why I labor the point on plants and hiding-places.
Thanks guys, I'll up the plants in there initially and see how that helps.

In terms of the white patches on the tetras, I had a thread about them a few months ago but no conclusion was ever come to. I've shown pics in three diff LFS shops and tried a couple of different treatments and still no idea. Im monitoring them closely and they haven't gotten any worse, its not changed for months and the fish seem fine so guessing it's nothing serious.
have you got a link to the neon thread?
I raised the issue with the fins at the end of that thread, I had set up a new post but a mod deleted it and merged the two together :sad:
The picture of the neon in the other link looks like the start of fin rot with some excess mucous on the tail.

The video on this thread shows a number of neons with white marks on their tails and it looks more like calcium in the fins and not as much like fin rot.

If it hasn't gotten worse in the last month or so, I wouldn't worry too much about the white on the tails.
Someone asked to see the other Guarms, pics attached. There's two of the stripey ones, one of the red/orange ones.



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