whats in your tank

One orange oranda
one redcap oranda
and one black moor

and in my other tank
two pomacea bridgesii
and one nerita species

Not very exotic but I love them

:shifty: :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:
I have a 75g with a flowerhorn, socolofi, Ps. albino zebra and Ps. lombardoi in one. (used to have just the fh and a Midas in it but the fh killed the midas)

And I have 29g with a neon jewel cichlid all alone. Going to get a red tail shark tomorrow if the shipment comes into the lfs like they say, and probably 10 tiger barbs. Not sure yet on the tiger barbs. I don't want them messing with my neon jewel. Might be something else.

Just got a 135g that isn't set up yet. Deciding what to put in there.
I have:

5" GT
4" JD
3" Herichthys deppii
2" Pink con
3" gold gourami
3" 3spot gourami
3" Synodontis eupterus
3-2" clown loaches
4(out of 8 ) Giant danios
4" pleco
4 Platies (one's the most amazing hi-fin male I've ever seen)
4 danios (2 leopard 2 zebra)
3 cherry barbs
2 diamond tetras
1 albino cory
1 peppered cory
4 guppies
and a beautiful red and blue siamese fighter
3 albino cories (my fav)
1 male gupp
3 female gupps
fry coming up
1 otoo
6 neons
2 male bettas

not much but im gona set up chichlid tank soon with a pair conficts
Ok i must be losing my mind as i thought i posted to this yesterday. Is there a double post to this? :blink:
Anyway here is what i have now. I have 6 tanks, a 55 gallon with 3 skirt tetras, 2 head and tail light tetras, 2 sword tails, 2 guppies, and a pleco. A 2 gallon with a 2 inch sunfish in it for now. A 10 gallon with 14 guppy fry, and another 10 gallon with 45 sword fry, another 10 with 2 betta boys in it devided. I also have a 29 with 3 bullhead catfish and some mosquito fish in it.
Thank you MountGuppy, i thought i had lost all of my marbles. :lol: I guess it has just been a really long week. :rolleyes: Sandy

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