whats in your tank

I myself have 6 tanks, now. I have a 55 with 3 skirt tetras, 2 head and tail light tetras, 2 swords, 2 guppies and more fish as soon as i get to the lfs. I have a 2 gallon with a sunfish in it. I have a 10 gallon devided with 2 betta boys. another 10 with 14 guppy fry, another 10 with 45 swordtail fry and a Pleco who will be going to the 55 soon. I also have a 29 with 3 bullhead catfish, and mosquito fish in it. Sandy
15 gallon:

4 black skirt tetra
4 cherry barbs
1 sailfin pleco

5 gallon:
7 guppy fry
1 pregnant guppy

All these will some day soon (hopefully) be moved to a 55 gallon, and joined by some more interesting fish :D

Hey Hey!
I have only one platy in approx 20 gallon tank, will get more soon, as i work in an aqaurium in australia, well hope to talk soon, see ya later, anyone else work in an aquarium, its really cool, coz i am interested in fish, anyway see ya later Bye Bye. :thumbs:

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