Whats Happened To My Brain Coral


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Whats happened to my Brain coral. Sorry about the pic can't seem to get my camera to focus through the glass properly but a bit of it seem's to of turned white . any ideas?
it happened to me before (and i have just reversed the cycle from getting worse to getting better a few days ago). All the corals closed and started to recede into the skeleton. I asked around and people said it was my additives, i was adding too many things and didnt need to. So i stopped adding, i started doing 5-15% water changes every day, used a mechanical filter which i cleaned every day. I kept this up for two weeks, lost all 3 of my mushroom corals, my frogspawn, and my feather duster, and just a few days ago my zoanthids, my candy cane, my torch, and my brain are starting to heal.

But this was when all water quality was fine and i didnt have any unwanted hitchhikers. This is more of a worst/last case scenario.
Clearly stressed/dying coral. A sign of infection, predation, poor water quality, poor lighting, poor flowrate, or a combination of the above...
or constantly changing water quality which can be just as bad if not worse than poor water quality depending on how poor is poor and how changing is changing.
I didn't know that you could reverse this process.I currently have a tounge coral that has currently started to show skeloton.sux.
water quality is ok 0 accros the board. but i've recently taken all the bio balls ceramics and carbon out of my tank and filled the middle chamber of my cube with live rubble all other corals seem fine? If this coral dose eventually die could it nuke/Poision my tank? Do i just wait and see
Perhaps the removal of the carbon and bio balls was too quick?

perhaps an overload in change of quality! too much for it??
Cheked phosphates? Do you skim? Many hard corals, especially lobophytons like this one do not do well with high phosphates and high dissolved organics...

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