Whats Going On?


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2012
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In my 12 gallon tank apartnfrom other fish i have 2 harlequin rasboras i know i should have more but at the minute i can not do it.the male is chasing the female around the tank trying to get to the bottom of the female fish whats going on?
its just what they do when breeding, they often will chase eachother around, other breeding behaviour includes things like flaring and flickering fins and sometimes the fish will rub on eachother and so on :p
Wow wasnt expecting that because ive heard they are dificult to breed
well for them to atually breed they need soft acidic water, but that doesnt stop them showing breeding behaviour, well i think its called pre-spawning behaviour, they will probably show this behaviour quite a lot but not actually lay any eggs unless they have the right water conditions, i have a bunch of lamb chop rasboras, they always chase eachother around and rub against eachother then the females go underneath a broad leaved plant turn upside down and the male raps himself around her, but they never lay any eggs because im keeping them in slighty hard, neutral water :)
Sounds like breeding to me :) Some people told me that they never breed in captivity, but mine did :) They deposited eggs on the underside of the leaves of my plants.
lucky! i wish i could get mine to have some little babies :( it'd certainly save me a bit of money and it would be fun too :)
I would definately get at least three more when you can. You will be amazed at how well they school together as well as how amazing it looks. Also, getting more will take the stress off the female since you just have two in there right now. Best of luck! :D

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