What's going on?


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I just got home from the lfs, and I brought home a white cheeked goby (who I've lovingly called Bubba) :wub: . I put his bag in the tank, so he could he aclimated to the change in temp. I go in there and he has turned black! :crazy: :S I thought he was dead at first. :-( I was completely shocked...he was such a pretty white and orange speckled fish. It was such a drastic change...what's going on?
I originally posted this in tropical chit chat, but it might be better here...

When I brought my white cheeked goby home, he went from white to black...what's happened?!? :crazy: :-(
Sounds like a water quality issue, gobies are very sensative to water conditions and show when they are unhappy with their colouration. Can you give a list of test results for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH?
dixaisy930 said:
I put his bag in the tank, so he could he aclimated to the change in temp.

This is not the best way to aclimate fish, the lights at the surface make the
bag a lot hotter, plus the water up at the surface is a little warm anyways. the best
way to aclimate a fish is to take a big bowl (make sure you have used no
ammonia cleaners in it and if you have rinse it thoroughly (without soap)) and buy
a small reel of airline tubing (should be at your LFS by the air pumps for about
$0.80) then take a paper clip or annother type of clamp and restrict the flow
through it to very little. then put on end of the tube in the tank and the other end
in the bowl. first pour the fish and all of its water into the bowl, then start a siphon
from the tank into the bowl through the airline tubing. Adjust the paper clip (or
clamp) until the water only dripples out through the tube. wait until the bowl is
almost filled (this will take a very long time) let the fish sit for a 10 minuets. then
take your net and add him to the tank. DO NOT add any of the LFS store water.
It's best to add the fish after the lights are off so it'll explore and settle in while all
of the other fish sleep.
Sorry but I have no idea what is going on with your gobie.
Nitrates and whatnot are all fine...the tank was do for a partial water change anyway though. He seems to be fine now...eating...active...not black lol. He's not white, but I think maybe he wasn't to begin with. lol The pictures of the white cheeked goby do not show a white goby...maybe I thought he was lighter than he really was since they had white gravel at the lfs, and I have darker gravel...I guess I'll just keep a real close eye on him. He seems fine now though. Does anyone else have any white cheeked gobies?

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