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Fish Crazy
May 16, 2005
Reaction score
ontario, canada
ok a couple weeks ago i bought a snail and a java fern for my betta stanley, your typical beginner veiltail betta. and a couple days later he started to act very strange, he spent all of his time hiding under the plant, i thought oh he must really like it then. then not a week after i bought the plant stanley passed, and like a fool i was like oh he must have been old so thats why he passed. so i went out that very day and bought this very handsome ct that was for sale at my lfs, he was quite young (i think he was fairly small) and i asked the guys at the store what would be a good antibacterial water medicatian to help out this new guy. they recomended to me the product betta fix, and so i followed the instructions on the package. so today when i went to greet my zoo and see how everyone was doing i noticed that he had lost some of his colour. and then later that day when i had the oprotunety to clean the tank he had passed on. now i was wondering if anyone could help me out and tell me what i did wrong and what i can do to prevent this tradegy from happening again
I'm sorry for your loss :(
Did you sterylize the tank before the newcomer went in?...i'm sorry that's all i can think of. Something in the tank was contaminated.
I'm so sorry about your losses...
Did the new guy have the same plant in there?
Did you wash the tank out really good? (What did you wash it with?)
if you didnt clean the tank whatever killed the 1st betta will still be in there.Or if the water is bad it will still be bad for the new betta.I doubt it was the plant that killed them though
I didn't mean to say that it might have been the plant that killed him. I was just wondering if he had rinsed off the plant after the first one died before putting it back in the tank. Correct me if I am wrong but I would think if there was some sort of bacteria or disease in the tank and you didn't wash the plant off before putting it back in, wouldn't it just recontaminate the water?
It could be the plant or the snail.

If it came from a LFS and it was in a tank that had other sick fish..whatever is killing the new bettas could be on either or both of those.

You can use Aquarisol to "sanitize" both the java fern and the snail...since it's safe to use on invertabrate's.

I always keep anything new (since I house all my fish together in 1 tank) in a quarentine tank with aquarisol for atleast a week before putting it in the main tank. Just in case.

I use it for my nets as well..so they are disinfected and won't spread anything either. And I use it to sterlize my hospital tanks after I get done using them. I love this stuff..because at only 12 drops per 10 gallons..a little goes a long way..and it's not that expensive..well not really. :thumbs:

Aquarisol is a safe and effective treatment and preventative for parasites and mild ick. Used once a week, your fish will enjoy an ick-free environment. Aquarisol is also highly effective in controlling ick outbreaks when new fish are added. In addition to this, it can be used as a net-dip to ensure clean and disease-free netting
well i rinsed off the plant but the guys at the store, including some guys that have been there aslong as i can remember, said taht the betta fix would help with the serilization. but i just checked and i think my snail has died too, he hasnt moved since i cleaned the tank out, or maybe he is just sitting in the same spot and just gone around, i dunno how do u tell if a snail is dead?
so if the stupid snail has croked too can i just put the java in a bowel and let the tank sit for a couple days?

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