Fish Crazy
ok a couple weeks ago i bought a snail and a java fern for my betta stanley, your typical beginner veiltail betta. and a couple days later he started to act very strange, he spent all of his time hiding under the plant, i thought oh he must really like it then. then not a week after i bought the plant stanley passed, and like a fool i was like oh he must have been old so thats why he passed. so i went out that very day and bought this very handsome ct that was for sale at my lfs, he was quite young (i think he was fairly small) and i asked the guys at the store what would be a good antibacterial water medicatian to help out this new guy. they recomended to me the product betta fix, and so i followed the instructions on the package. so today when i went to greet my zoo and see how everyone was doing i noticed that he had lost some of his colour. and then later that day when i had the oprotunety to clean the tank he had passed on. now i was wondering if anyone could help me out and tell me what i did wrong and what i can do to prevent this tradegy from happening again