Mine too! He likes the shrimp pellets I feed them so sometimes he'll go down to the bottom and bully the corys out of the way to get them.i have never kept endlers but i think they're quick enough to avoid possible aggression. my dwarf gourami actually goes after corys more than anything else, which is pretty unusual. never to the point of major concern though.
Thanks for all your help with this. I looked at some Golden Honeies today and they're lovely. I will definitely be up for getting one as long as just a few things:
1. Do they grow any bigger then Dwarfs?
2. Can I keep just one?
3. Are they usually passive like Dwarfs or are they like some other Gouramis?
With wild coloured honeys the females are silvery beige, but with the yellow ones, the females are yellow too. It can be hard to tell the sexes with this colour, but any fish with a hint of a stripe from nose to tail is more likely to be a female. But that doesn't mean that fish without it are males, as some females don't have a stripe, just to make it awkward.
Honey Gouramis dont getr nearly as big as Dwarf Gouramis and their temperment is MUCH calmer, they are easy to sex, i would get a pair if you can... the females are a little bigger, fatter and much paler than the males, the tail on the males will have a red tinge to it and just you wait until your male colours up!! stunning!!