Whats A Solenoid?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles area
I know that its used in a CO2 system but i don't know what its function is.... and they must be pricy if the skew the price of a regulator by so much
They turn the co2 on and off automatically. They have a powercord and you plug them into a timer. Solenoid's are usually around $40 I believe.
Some regulators come with them attached. I bought mine online that was reg and solenoid for uh 65 I think.
People plug them into a timer to turn the co2 off at night so it will last longer before the next refill.
Some regulators come with them attached. I bought mine online that was reg and solenoid for uh 65 I think.
People plug them into a timer to turn the co2 off at night so it will last longer before the next refill.

Not necessarily. Of course it will cost more but dependent on how plants react I may choose to run 24/7.

Some people prefer to keep the CO2 at the same level all day (injection rate not ppm)

Others prefer to think they will give the fish a break.

Others want to be able to 'blast' the CO2 in at a higher rate in the day which cannot be done if runing 24/7 with livestock.

It will save money obviously but a lot less than you think (if your diffusion is working well) because you run a lot lower injection rate.

I find mine lasts about the same give or take a few days over 2-3 months per bottle.

wow i feel pretty retarded now....
but thank you i feel enlightened! :)

Some regulators come with them attached. I bought mine online that was reg and solenoid for uh 65 I think.
People plug them into a timer to turn the co2 off at night so it will last longer before the next refill.

Phage you mentioned you bought your solenoid online, i was wondering what kind of solenoid is recommended, i googled solenoid and wow there are a lot of different types.

unless i buy a used regulator with a solenoid for really cheap, it think it might be cheaper to put one together myself
If you buy a regulator without a solenoid attached I would get a solenoid that can fit inline so you don't have to risk leaks where it screw into the reg.

If you buy a regulator without a solenoid attached I would get a solenoid that can fit inline so you don't have to risk leaks where it screw into the reg.


alright so i looked at different solenoids and its A LOT cheaper to buy them from the manufacturer. i was thinking of going with clippard
the only problem is how do i know which one i need to get? lol
if you dont know that one is there any that you would recommend?
Being UK it would be very hard for me to give advice on US stuff. Its totally different stuff over there. lol

Google 'Rex Grigg' and you should find some decent info

Go on eBay and search jbj co2 regulator, it's a regulator w/ the solenoid I think it's the cheapest one I have found yet!
i searched for the JBJ one and i keep finding expensive ones.... i found the parts at different places and i can put one together for about $74
(all things shipped) the brass bubble counter (it has a check valve in it) i want i need to do a little bit more searching for cause the place i found it at has it listed for $24
this shall be fun :)

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