What's A Good Peaceful Tetra For A Planted Ten Gallon?


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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i wanted some silver tip tetras but the reports are that they sometimes can be a bit nippy and my favorite betta is in this community tank and he's already had to endure having his beautiful fins nipped once before. i dont want him to have to go through that again. im looking for something small, colorful and at least moderately active. something to liven up the tank a bit since most of its inhabitants are either nocturnal or naturally sedentary. oh, and i dont want neons. iv had them and they are far too messy for what i want right now. id like something with a lighter bioload. any suggestions. im also open to ideas that fit this bill other than tetras :good:
Here are some that I have which are very peaceful :

Gold Tetra ( very active, like to play in the outflow of the filter )
Black Phantom Tetra ( they put on a show displaying to each other, but will not bother any other fish)
Glowlight Tetra ( as a balance for active fish, they move around less than others )
Diamond Tetras ( look sparkly in the light)

hope this helps
Here are some that I have which are very peaceful :

Gold Tetra ( very active, like to play in the outflow of the filter )
Black Phantom Tetra ( they put on a show displaying to each other, but will not bother any other fish)
Glowlight Tetra ( as a balance for active fish, they move around less than others )
Diamond Tetras ( look sparkly in the light)

hope this helps

thank you so much. that does help. with the gold tetras; i found a profile on them that says they need a pH of 6.0 - 6.5. is this consistent with your personal experience or are they more hardy than i have been led to believe? what pH have you kept them at and for how long?... if you dont mind me asking. my pH out of the tap is extremely high (off the high end API test kit's chart... ph +8) so if it is not an adaptable fish then id better not get it, even though my pH does alway drop once in the tank for a bit. what size schools would you recommend? oh, and i am leaning towards the glowlights and the diamonds if i can find them. glowlights i saw just yesterday at the lfs but im not sure iv ever seen diamonds. they sound really pretty in good light.
Here are some that I have which are very peaceful :

Gold Tetra ( very active, like to play in the outflow of the filter )
Black Phantom Tetra ( they put on a show displaying to each other, but will not bother any other fish)
Glowlight Tetra ( as a balance for active fish, they move around less than others )
Diamond Tetras ( look sparkly in the light)

hope this helps

thank you so much. that does help. with the gold tetras; i found a profile on them that says they need a pH of 6.0 - 6.5. is this consistent with your personal experience or are they more hardy than i have been led to believe? what pH have you kept them at and for how long?... if you dont mind me asking. my pH out of the tap is extremely high (off the high end API test kit's chart... ph +8) so if it is not an adaptable fish then id better not get it, even though my pH does alway drop once in the tank for a bit. what size schools would you recommend? oh, and i am leaning towards the glowlights and the diamonds if i can find them. glowlights i saw just yesterday at the lfs but im not sure iv ever seen diamonds. they sound really pretty in good light.
My ph is about 7, and the golds are just fine. I've only had this group about 2 weeks, but I've kept them before at about the same ph. If you can get them, I suggest as large a scholl as you can get. You won't be dissapointed
thank you. though im very sad to have checked the tank this morning and found that the feeder guppies i had in there have nipped up the fins of my favorite male betta! im really mad. i got the gupps for my banjo cat and he never ate them so i decided to have pity on them and just keep them as pets. well they went and tore up my Ambrose Xavier's beautiful fins and now im on the verge of deciding not to get anything that will even think of doing the same thing. i love my betta. he has been so peaceful and getting along just fine in the community. thank you very much for your help but iv decided to skip the tetras for right now till i get a more appropriate setup for them. if you know of any other colorful fish that will spice up the scenery and not bother my betta im still open to those ideas.
Sorry to hear about that. As a rule, I never have any fish that have long and flowing fins or tails in my community tank. I believe it can bring out the worst in a 'borderline' nipper.
yep. im gona leave it with nice peaceful fish that couldnt fin nip if they wanted to like my banjo and cory cat. i am using it though as a grow out tank for my baby senegal, so maybe i could also use it to that extent for other oddballs like a few baby spiny eels or something. as they get big enough to use their predetory abilities i can promptly remove them to their final tank where they cant do any damage to their tank mates. right now my senny is 2" so i dont think that even if he did do a test bite he wouldnt really do any damage. im trying to be responsible here :blink: thanks for all your help

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