whats a good algae eater ?

I have two bristlenose plecs and two amano shrimp that keep my tank clear of algae.
The best algae "remover" is you. Some fish will eat it, but they have thier own needs.

You say you have a 2' tank, if you want to know which fish you could add to "Aid" you with the algae, then what fish do you have already and what are your water perameters (hard, soft, clean?).

[EDIT: Ok see your fish. Best option would be for you to clean the algae every week yourself for the time being. Mollies will eat algae, but will eat flake instead if offered, maybe give a little less food? Don't add Oto's as I mentioned above, they need a mature tank and if you have algae problems, yours is not ready.]

Pit bull plec.
Two foot, that will be either 60 ltrs or 70 ltrs. Too small for plecos or bristlenoses not to mention CAE's. As Jon just said, the best algae remover is you yourself.
Get plecos, I got one myself, so he hides alot, but he is still great. Only gets to a maximum of about 3 inches aswell
it also depends on what kind of algae you have. nothing but snails will eat blue-green algae, oto's will eat most forms of surface algae but generally ignore hair algae, rosy barbs will eat hair algae but nothing else... and so on.
Seb, what type of pleco are you talking about? If you don't specify people will think you are talking about the common pleco, which certainly gets bigger than 3"- and is qutie unsuitable for a small tank.

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