What your opinions on this set up.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 31, 2004
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I have a 75 gallon with 2 AC300's, 2 400 watt ebo jagers.

fish are

6 tiger barbs (6 green Tiger barbs comming)
6 boliv rams
3 pristil tetras
1 male beta
1 parrot fish
1 13in alge eater. (do you think hes to big??)
(getting 2 angle fish for the gf, she likes um)
(getting 6 neon tetras as well)
(couple red tail sharks also)
(bala shark or 2)
water temps are 79-80 but ebos are set to 77. i think my twin lamp hood and temp in basement keeps it 2-3 degrees warmer.

PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate are all right where they are supposed to be.

in the ac300s i have 2 foam blocks in each with carbon in one and ammonia remover in the other. they on full flow rate.

thanks for your opinions.
Red tail sharks shoud only be kept one to a tank..unless you can provide plenty of hiding places...your tank is pretty big tho so you might be ok.

Also keeping angles and neons together is not recommended ive heard..

the others seem ok to me tho..
By parrot fish do you mean blood parrot? If so, I wouldn't put one because when it gets big it might pick on the smaller fish like the tiger barbs and tetras. I also don't think the betta would do well in there. You have a lot of fish that like to nip fins.
The blood parrot would go on killing spree, but as for the other cichlids, the blue rams there fine. The alge eater, is that a CAE? if so i wouldnt recomend them, they are very highly agressive, i have a smaller one at 6" kill my angels.
"The alge eater, is that a CAE?"

what does CAE mean. i rescued him from a red belly P tank. all his fins were tore up. now hes fully healed.

the beta does very well actually. he owns the top of the tank ne of the barbs go up there he nips at them.

i dont think its a blood parrot they had them in the tropical section and they said it would be ok.

as for over stocking i dont know the limit but i think i can safely have 25 fish ez in a 75 gallon.

it is 4ft long by 18in deep and 20some high.
superballs5337 said:
"The alge eater, is that a CAE?"

what does CAE mean. i rescued him from a red belly P tank. all his fins were tore up. now hes fully healed.

the beta does very well actually. he owns the top of the tank ne of the barbs go up there he nips at them.

i dont think its a blood parrot they had them in the tropical section and they said it would be ok.

as for over stocking i dont know the limit but i think i can safely have 25 fish ez in a 75 gallon.

it is 4ft long by 18in deep and 20some high.
CAE = Chinese Algea Eater

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