What Would You Stock In 28L?

Im bad i know :look:
Yes you are :p But the only reason I only have 2 tanks is cause I'm in a student house and know I'll have to move them to *fingers crossed* a permanent house in the next year and a half. I have already got the verbal agreement from my OH for the 6fter that will take pride of place in our future living room :D So you aren't alone!

If shrimp are a no no I'll have a think about fish that might interest you.
You didn't cover the aquascaping question though? Do you want something super low maintenance or something more 'natural' so to speak?
I dont do fake! I like real wood real plants and real stones
I have Cpd's in one of my smaller tanks, & ember tetras in another.
Either would do well in your tank
:crazy: SHRIMP :crazy:
If i gave in to you all and got some shrimp i wouldnt be able to eat prawns again!
To be honest alot of my favourites have already been covered.

But to add to the ones mentioned:
Normans lampeye killifish are a nice little fish and unlike most small shoalers they're quite brave and will happily swim at the mid-upper levels.
Maybe pair them with something like the badis Cazgar mentioned, or a solo male apisto (but on of the smallest varieties) or a pair of female apistos from the smaller varieties.
There are also some gobies and killifish that might be suitable.

Not to mention sparkling gouramis/dwarf croaking gouramis. They're very timid aswell so great for small species tanks. With dense cover and no other fish they're really lovely to look at. Not particularly active though...
Mosquito rasboras , boraras brigittae are small, you could have a nice shoal of those
I had 2 dwarf gouramis
Some ember tetras
And otocinclus or whatever they're called, you know the teeny tiny catfish things.
I have a shoal of boraras brigittae too and they are good fun to watch, and so cute too. Ahem.
Thanks for all the replies, will google them and have a think while the tank cycles :D
Would a dwarf puffer or dwarf frogs work?
A dwarf puffer will kill everything else in your tank, don't think the fwoggies will cause any pwoblems though lol...
There are lots of nice tiny fish in my world like black chins


or Golden teddies


Or Heterandria formosa


and don't forget the group of different Cories that fall into the pygmy range.




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