What Would You Put In It?


Jul 21, 2009
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hi ive got a 4ft 55 uk G and was wondering what oddballs i could have the only fish that are so far decided is a dora catfish and clown pleco. ive had a blue crayfish before thinking of another but not sure what other crazy oddballs could people suggest i also like the idea of a shoal of rummy nose tetras cheers for any help
If you looking for oddballs,hmm its dificult to say, i mean i would go with snakeheads...hehe which means a species tank..
Rummys will knock down your abilitys,,as more than likely get eaten
I would go for, Snakeheads, Africans or a wet pet big cichlid like a GT with a few dithers, maybe a group of the smaller silver dollar species or columbian tetras :)

cheers for the ideas ha just made it more harder :( ye its annoying because i want an oddball as there so interesting but like the idea of a big cichlid and shoaling fish lol
You have loads of options:
African Bush Fish,
Reed Fish
Glass Fish
Butterfly Fish
Loads of interesting Catfish.

Just a few that come to mind
cheers for the list mate i like the look of thouse halfbeaks, i was thinking of bichir or a snakehead and was wondering which fish could go with them like a severum and any shoaling fish maybe the halfbeaks?
cheers for the list mate i like the look of thouse halfbeaks, i was thinking of bichir or a snakehead and was wondering which fish could go with them like a severum and any shoaling fish maybe the halfbeaks?

I wouldn't keep Bichirs with anything I listed above. Too predatory.
what stocking could i do with a bichir or snakehead? anyone got any suggestions
Hi mate, if your going with snakeheads,i would reccomend having a species only tank, look at things like ornatipinnis / pulchra / assam / bleheri / gachau / kerala 5 stripe / orientalis / for a few which are quite avalible..
The only ones i would really reccomend as a community style would be pluero or parachanna obscura, which i kept both happily in a community, tank was 5/2/2 foot..
I can say i have a hoplo catfish in with my ornatipinnis and he has no troubles with them,
Hi mate, if your going with snakeheads,i would reccomend having a species only tank, look at things like ornatipinnis / pulchra / assam / bleheri / gachau / kerala 5 stripe / orientalis / for a few which are quite avalible..
The only ones i would really reccomend as a community style would be pluero or parachanna obscura, which i kept both happily in a community, tank was 5/2/2 foot..
I can say i have a hoplo catfish in with my ornatipinnis and he has no troubles with them,

ah not sure i want a species tank which is the rainbow snakehead is that one that you listed? as i read they only grow to 8" i think what would be perfect is an oddball fish and some cichlids please tell me thats possible what about gars? the fake versions that done grow 10ft plus lol

Not a good idea to keep with other fish, beleive it or not, they get bullied by other tank mates, esp cichlids

ah really what not even cupid cichlids or of similar size or hero sevs? shame as they look so nice cheers for the link, so how would you stock it around a rainbow snakehead?

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