What would you name my new betta?

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Feel like fish need really normal, abrupt names lol
My daughter usually gives my fish these florid, fancy names (Icefire, Helios, Sparkle, Glory, and my personal favorite, Brissleplacky). But she named my big Angelfish "Arthur." It was a fun contrast.
My daughter named my Betta "Gilbert."

It stuck, but I hate it.
My daughter will probably name pineapple as well once he arrives. It should be interesting. Her fish are glofish tetras and the latest one we got is purple and she named it Grape. The red one is Candy Cane and the green one is Lollipop. I kind of feel like she'd name my betta Sherbet or Cotton Candy or something. And it will stick. LOL.
My daughter will probably name pineapple as well once he arrives. It should be interesting. Her fish are glofish tetras and the latest one we got is purple and she named it Grape. The red one is Candy Cane and the green one is Lollipop. I kind of feel like she'd name my betta Sherbet or Cotton Candy or something. And it will stick. LOL.
Of course, it will stick.

My son named our FEMALE family dog a very MALE name. Needless to say, I've stopped correcting people who refer to her as "he."
So, what did you decide?
His name should be Liberace. Seriously.
Unfortunately Liberace arrived DOA. Daggone USPS. The package got stuck in Houston for a few days. Little guy didn't stand a chance.

I let my daughter help me pick out one locally today. I didn't want to risk shipping again. This is a link to the thread with the new betta. We just got him earlier today.
Unfortunately Liberace arrived DOA. Daggone USPS. The package got stuck in Houston for a few days. Little guy didn't stand a chance.

I let my daughter help me pick out one locally today. I didn't want to risk shipping again. This is a link to the thread with the new betta. We just got him earlier today.
Oh, bummer. I thought you already had him. Hope you and the offspring enjoy the local one.

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