What Would You Guys Think.....

I read a blog where the author argued that a fish's long term health is linked to their environment/scape. Taking a species and putting it with ornaments, a sunken pirate ship, a battery powered scuba diver and such is more likely to stress the fish than anything else. And while the post apocalyptic scene may look great to you I'd feel confident in saying your pets (which is what they are after all) wouldn't feel as comfortable with it. For instance a fish keeper on a cichlid forum that bought a trio of apistos in a 60 liter that wouldn't breed. He had them for over a year with blue white and purple gravel, fake plants, a large sunken ship, and some other ornaments including a green clay toy soldier. As mentioned they didn't breed. He (out of frustration) changed his decor threw out that stuff and added a large amazon sword and within two weeks, fry! His params and feeding remained the same.

In short, the environment you place you fish in will determine whether or not they live as opposed to just existing.

An alternative "look" if I may?


I think your fish would go crazy for the above.
The fish would go crazy for that.. but most of us would go crazy trying to keep it alive! :crazy:
All of the plants are real and they are separated into columns by wood laying on the substrate.

@Joshwainwright Why would we go crazy trying to keep it alive? The journal I got that from has little issue in doing so. It looks that way because he came up with a plan beforehand of Light-red-dark. The rest was merely a matter of planting...
One thing to keep in mind when adding decorations, no matter how natural or unnatural: Make sure fish cannot get stuck in them.
Someone on this forum lost a cory and got another wounded one due to a cave that looked like a T-rex skull.

I'm trying to make some kind of forest look in my tank, but keep failing in keeping the ceratopteris planted, at least the rocks hold them in place now.
I really don't see how a fish would be offended by a freakin sunken ship, gimme a break. To a fish an ornament is just another rock or something. The only thing you've just said that I could maybe agree with is psychadelic coloured gravel (heck it trips me out too) or moving ornaments tap tapping away all day...
I really don't see how a fish would be offended by a freakin sunken ship, gimme a break. To a fish an ornament is just another rock or something. The only thing you've just said that I could maybe agree with is psychadelic coloured gravel (heck it trips me out too) or moving ornaments tap tapping away all day...


Frog: "What the fish is this? Someone pooped rainbows!"

Oh god, those ^^^ gravels make me do a little sicky in my mouth, can't stand the things. And those Spongebob Squarepants decs and ornaments...disgusting.

Yup, sand for me. Easy to clean, may not hold plants as good as gravel, but with a few giant rocks, problem solved. And fish love to graze / root through it. X)
I've had fish in crazy gravel with crazy ornamants as well as in natural scaping consistant with their habitats. Mine bred either way
Yup, sand for me. Easy to clean, may not hold plants as good as gravel, but with a few giant rocks, problem solved. And fish love to graze / root through it. X)
+1 for sand, you can't go wrong!

Especially when it's Argos play sand :hyper:
Yup, sand for me. Easy to clean, may not hold plants as good as gravel, but with a few giant rocks, problem solved. And fish love to graze / root through it. X)
+1 for sand, you can't go wrong!

Especially when it's Argos play sand :hyper:
Mine's not playsand, got it specifically for aquarium. It was cleaned easily and doesn't leave any foggy aspect of the tank when my kitty stirs it up.
It's white so I can easily see fish poop when cleaning. Would have gone for a brownish-yellow, but they didn't have that there and the other option would have been buying it from construction shops, which I wouldn't find safe.

For some odd reason, my female swordtail has been acting like a catfish, filtering the sand through her gills or sometimes eating a grain or two after she eats her food. I don't see any algae in my tank on the sand or walls and it's been setup for almost a month now. So what could she be looking for? She's been doing this ever since I moved all the fish from my 23L to this 76L and never ceased to do it to this day.
lolol hey guys! Came home from the art room and there were 10 new replies on here haha

Just to clarify, these ruins would be put into my soon to be lowend brackish tank as im going to try a figure eight puffer who need a plethora of line of sight breakers.. also the tank is planted with driftwood n stuff too...

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