What Would Go Well With 2 Black Ghost Knifes And A Bristlenose?


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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I am getting a new tank soon (just under 100 gal)
I already have 2 Black Ghost Knifes, and 1 Bristlenose (I also have 2 neon tetras, but will either give them away, or the BGK's will eat them)

What else would go good in the tank? I do like odd fish so anything odd is cool.

I also like Angels, gouramis, severems, catfish.... etc...

I'd prefer fish which grow less than 10"

any ideas?
You could try things like -

Sengal Bichirs - Profile Says 12" but I've yet to see a Senegal that exceeds 9".

Hoplo Catfish - Profile

P. Pictus - Profile

Spotted Dora - Profile

Snakeskin Gourami - Profile

African Butterfly Fish - Profile

Those are just a few from the things you said you were interested in, there are a wealth more fish out there for you to choose from. Good luck :)

Also if you go down the route of Cichlids (Severums, Angels) remeber they can be aggressive, your BGK's won't appreciate any overly aggressive tank mates, so choose wisely. You may be ok with smaller, less aggressive Cichlids - Firemouth, Keyholes, Flyer Cichlids, Festivums, Acara (Blue or Port), Sajica and Jade Eyes, could be a few you could consider, but I wouldn't go with more than 2 Cichlids in this tank depending on what else you decide to stock it with. Keep in mind though, any cichlid has the ability to turn nasty.

Remember to research before you buy!
well, most anything in the bichir family would do very well with a BGK, but, I'm not all too sure if two BGKs could live happily together in a 100gal. Don't quote me or anything, or bash me if I'm wrong, but BGK's use electric pulses to find their way around, and two in a 100 gal. might not... fair so well together because of this. I'm not too sure about it though. BGK's are besically peaceful with most anything at least half it's length. Keep in mind that in captivity they can get to 20' :p but I'm sure fish with "odder" shapes (Silver Dollars), while only growing to 6', but because of their hard-to-eat shape, I'm sure they'd be fine also. it's basically your preference. Have fun with the BGK
I would be wary of 2 BGK in a 100 gallon.

multiple bgk is fine (I have two in a 150 imp gallon) but they do have a few contests before settling down. Each would need a territory well out of site of the other from my experience, though I have only done more than one once, and this is only a year old.

An old member (who I haven't seen about for a while) who had more knowledge than me was Blueice. You could try a PM, though I am unsure of a response.

My two live with a shoal of 9 balas, some chalceus, some pictus and doradids. Be very wary of anything less than 3" in length.

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