What Would Be Your Perfect Size Tank?


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
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I no it's not that big too some, but a 100gal, as i worry if it cracks, as i've dreamt about me picking fish up off the floor and putting them back in the tank.
I want a tank big enough to scuba dive in!!!!!!!! B) B) B) B) B) B) B) B)
Rodders how many gal is that tank in your sig, it looks cool.
I like my 55, but I'd love a 125g for the extra width.
i go down to my local swimming pool every saturday and would think it wud be an GREAT sizes tank..., not doing any watcer chancges ontht thing lol
Right now I have a 132gal (500liter) and it works for me. I would love to have a tank of about 500gal, but no place to put it. That would be done as a salt-reef........if only :/
you shud of renamed this topic " what is your perfect REALISTIC tank size"

on my serious note, Id live a 200gal and stock it with a peaceful community tank
I think once tanks get too big, it takes away from there value slightly. With tanks less than 500L you can easily see alot of different fish. However as they get bigger, it will be harder to take in all of the tanks beauty.

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