What will I tell my little girl?


Fish Crazy
Nov 14, 2003
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Amherstburg Ontario Canada
I got up this morning to go to church, and as usual, went to pay a visit to my daughter's hampster. That's something I do every day, and I even take her out of her cage to have a little bit of fun.

I found her in the maze part of her cage dead. My daughter spent the weekend at her friend's house so she has no idea yet.

I toyed with the idea of taking her out and disposing of her, cleaning the cage with Vim oxyclean and putting it all away. The problem is, my daughter might want to see it as proof that she's actually dead, and the true condition Penelope is in. (She's looking very unlike herself, her fur is scruffy, and she doesn't look very peaceful to me). I don't want her to think that we somehow lost her in the house or that our cat got to her.

Brianne (my daughter) has a brother that she didn't like when he handled Penelope. It's only a sibbling rivalry thing because Jesse (big brother) was very gentle and caring when handling Penelope. I want to show her that it wasn't Jesse who caused her death.

I don't know what killed her though... she showed no sign of disease, no wet tail disease, was active yesterday was fed and had water. She was always a well groomed little gal, and never bit, always showed interest in her surroundings and in us as we went by her cage. I'm almost thinking that she died of loneliness, because my son and I never played with her yesterday. I know... I know.. impossible scenario, but I'm stumped.

Dang not a good thing to wake up to!
Aw, I am sorry to hear that about poor Penelope. :(

As, I am sure you are aware, it is not likely that she died of lonliness after only one day. I feel for you having to tell your daughter, maybe it's best just to be honest. If you do get any more furry creatures of that nature in the future and you are worried about it being lonley, perhaps buy 2 at once if you have the room. Hampsters are not the most sociable of rodents usually but I think they are fine if together from an early age and will keep each other company.

I used to have 4 mice and they were great. The ones with tails, ie. mice, rats and gerbils are usually the most friendly to each other and to humans but lots of people don't like their tails!

How old was she? Hamsters do not have a very log life expectancy, I am afraid (something in the region of 1-2 years) and perhaps it was just her time.

Good luck with telling your daughter.
I would echo Cs words and condolences for the pet.
It's never a pleasant thing to tell any child, especially when they are away. I wonder how old is your daughter. If she's young, children are quite resiliant to news like that and soon get over it, unlike us adults.
My daughter was 10 when one of our dogs died and yes she was upset, but the feeling soon passed. The dog was older than she was. My daughter and son have both had gerbils and other rodent type creatures throughout their young lives. Children are tougher than we adults give them credit for. Maybe they haven't the experience of life and everything is just a matter of fact to them.
I don't envy your job, but you may be surprised at the response.
awwww Lobo, bless your heart ,this will be tough :-(

I agree though...honesty is the best policy and children are tough as nails. Maybe tell your daughter that you have no idea what happened and tell her how you found Penelope :sad: Try and reassure her and let her know that her brother took no part in it (non-chalantly, don't plant a seed that she never even thought of :X ) Let her know what a good life Penelope had and that she had lived her lifespan.

Personally...I'd remove the cage too, seeing it might be more heartbreaking :/ . Best of luck!
Thank you all for your support, I sure needed it yesterday.

Here's an update.

I was expecting my daughter around 3:00 pm so I went to my mom in law's who lives about 5 minutes away. At 1:20 I get a phone call from my daughter from home. She's crying and sobbing (poor kid) so I rushed home to comfort her.

I was hoping to tell her what had happened before she saw it on her own. This was not a good thing. I spent the better part of an hour hugging and comforting my daughter who is 11 BTW. I then told her to lay in my bed while I cleaned up the cage. Boy did it smell in the closed up maze part! I was gagging so much.

The cage is disinfected and cleaned (no funeral services, thank goodness!)

I treated the kids to a rare meal of Mc Pukes... errr.... McDonald's and by evening, my daughter was much better. She announced that she wants a new hampster so I guess she changed her mind from earlier on when she said "I don't want any more hampsters.... they die!" She's in better spirits I guess, and has rethought her statement :)

I doubt we'll find as sweet a little hampster as Penelope was though. She really liked being handled and played with. Every time we went near the cage and she saw us, she'd run to the door part and beg to be taken out. She only bit once and that's because my daughter had peanut butter on her fingers.

I guess I'm still partial to Penelope, as she was our first hampster and had a great disposition.

Oh well.. I'm going to get ready to hampster shop tonight... no promises that we'll get one right there and then though, because I want a healthy and social one.
I sorry about your hampster - i was ccrushed when my first one died.

Dont buy two. They get on when they are young but as they get older you will have a bloodbath. If you did want a pair the you could think about Rissians or Chinese Hampsters. theyre very friendly and have to live in a pair. I dont think it would have been the maze that meant the end for poor Penelope... she probably went in there becuase she felt safe.
Don't get two! Rats, gerbils, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice-all social animals. Hamsters are not. Pleco person is right, it's all fun and games when they are young, but you will have an even more heartbreaking situation when your daughter finds one ripped apart. They get really nasty if the are not kept solitary. Also they will live longer on their own because it is not as much stress. I'm very sorry for the loss, but I would also guess it is natural, like Miss Cheese said, they don't last much longer than two years.
I've kept two female hamsters together peacefully,but two males they will beat each other to death. If you do get two,don't make the mistake of getting a male/female combo. Loads of babies and kids wanting to look at them and mess around the cage will make them EAT the babies and that is a nasty,sad sight. I had 12 hamsters in 4 different cages from babies once. It was a nightmare. :crazy:
I heard the female/female combo works but not sure...

Sorry to hear about Penelope sounds like she was a great friend to your daughter :( :-(

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