What was the fish

growing up witha petstore I have had MANY fish, and have always been an ANIMAL nut. So im addicted to all creatures. We've had everything from a monkey (thing was a nightmare that would rip ya hair out if u went near its cage, needless to say it went back to wherever it came from), to pirhana, to blue n gold macaw. But myself had never PERSONALLY owned a fish tank til last january. =] And the fish that has me HOOKED is the african malawi cichlid. Beautiful fish, GREAT character. =]
to be houset it was silver tip tetras, my g/freidns dad got some and i just thought they were awesome!!!
hoplo catfish :) well any catfish lol

my hoplos are the only reason im still in the hobby.... but i realy had a thing for bettas when i started.. till i layed eyes on a catfish :D
My fascination with fish started when i moved to England. I am English and i lived here for 3 years but in 1999 at the age of 11 we moved to Jordan, Middle East . In 2002 we moved back to England and bought a house which happened to have a brilliant pond/ stream set-up, the previous owners had set up a stream with a pump obv. lol which went down teh garden to a pond at the other side and inside the pond were some really nice fish. It just sort of continued from there, my neighbour was cleaning out his garage one day and found an old aquarium and gave it to me.. I never looked back!
My family had always had fish when I was a kid. It wasn't until the '70's, though, when I began breeding bettas and breeding and showing fancy guppies that I really became hooked. Now, 35 years later, I'm still at it and finally got my fishroom! :D
My boyfriend got me a 10 gallon community set-up for christmas and that is what got me hooked...but I must admit the two clown loaches I got today from a guy who sold the 55 gallon have got me addicted! :wub: Same with bettas.
Plecos!!!! I saw the little ones and a full size one and I was hooked!!!

Plus I work in a pet shop so I am round fish all day long.
well.....my dad got this fish tank with some goldfish and there was only one left and it was a real mess so ma mum wanted it to be flushed so me and ma ten yr old bro bother took ages cleaning it out putting new substrate and other stuff and got some new fish and now it if fine! and no fishes are dead! and from them i found this site and eventually got a tank in november and it wasnt until december did i get all the other stuff filter heater light ect and so from xmas day it was running a fishless cycle and then i got 2 black widow tetras but at first i really hated them and ma dad forced me to get em.....but now if i would loose one of them i will be really upset and i think they one of the best fish i have from there i got some rams and some crabs......i like stuff that is not common eg red clawed crabs and pango eels......i like strange fish....there kool better themn the everyday ones.....

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