What Was The Fish That First Got You Into Fish Keeping?

Red line torpedo barb was the fish that got me into the hobby :D :D the looks of that fish is stunning
Serg559 said:
bala shark
Hoping to get some of them when I finally get a tank big enough for some Clown Loaches. Very nice fish.
Zikofski said:
Red line torpedo barb was the fish that got me into the hobby
the looks of that fish is stunning
I always wondered what they were when I seen them in one of my LFS display tanks. They are a very pretty fish.
I forgot to mention on my post, my first batch of fish I got al those years ago were some black and some white mollies and also had clown loaches, I did have a 4 feet tank luckily so not too bad in that respect for that time (about 24 years ago) when there was hardly any information about fish keeping.
Then later I got a bunch tiger barbs which I did like a lot :lol:
Ch4rlie said:
I forgot to mention on my post, my first batch of fish I got al those years ago were some black and some white mollies and also had clown loaches, I did have a 4 feet tank luckily so not too bad in that respect for that time (about 24 years ago) when there was hardly any information about fish keeping.
Then later I got a bunch tiger barbs which I did like a lot
Hard not to like Tiger Barbs, I think they are definitely a fish I will want to keep in at least one of my tanks.
I can't go past a Neon Tetra. So blue! So red!
At the time I never investigated how easy tropical fish are to maintain, I just assumed they were too finicky. My first fish was a black moor in a poxy little spaceship-shaped tank with minimal filtration. He didn't last (the tank was "accidentally" damaged when I moved into a new share-house by someone who thought it was a bit out-of-character for "her" house. She did buy a big vase for him, but he didn't survive - no filtration, strangely enough he didn't last long). But that's okay, she got to use the vase herself. I'm not at all bitter, honest.
I will be getting some neons shortly, all going well, and my dreams will come to fruition after about 30 years.
I also love clown loaches, but I'll never have a tank big enough to do them justice.
No fish in particular did it for me, it was a friend!! She gave me a 20 litre tank and I got a few leopard and zebra danios and then a bulldog pleco! I love my bulldog pleco he is so awesome! He is always out and about so get to see him quite a bit! I've upgraded now to a 70 litre and will be getting a 130 litre in a couple of weeks! I have platys in my 70l along with my bulldog. I love platys too I could spend hours just watching them! I also love looking out for the fry and get very excited when I see them! Can't wait for my 130l so I can expand and waste more time and money on them! X
For me it was a ten gallon tank our neighbor gave me when her son went to college. I was seven, and got two Angels. Fifty cents a piece. Big money at the time.
Still have Angels, but each new tank is designed around Corys!
A tutor in junior school sparked my interest when she let the class set up a tropical tank as a project.
The fish I can recall were White Clouds, Zebra Danio's and Glowlight Tetras.
Oh... and loads of snails !
I was 3 when i first saw piebald or black celestial eyes living in the desalinated man-made bodies of water in my country. I always wanted one but of course it wasn't happening anytime soon.

My first fishes were a betta, a small albino pleco and a small shark catfish being sold outside my pre-school lol.
(You know what happens in this scenario with kids that have no proper guidance to fish introduction)
That would be the 2 goldfish i won at the Melbourne show, poor things got carried around the show for hours in their bag, then a 3.5 hour drive home, then dumped into Mum's good punch bowl until we could buy a bowl for them. Marmaduke and Garfield were there names, had em for about 7yrs
It started with Koï in a too small 20 gallon tank.
I rehomed the fish when it got too big, which happened really fast. Then I redesigned my whole tank to a planted community. One day I'll have a pond so I can treat Koï the way they deserve.
My uncle had a huge tank with angels, neons and a red-tailed black shark in 1970s. Probably couldn't get a worse combination but the tank looked so beautiful - until the angels ate all the neons. My husband and I started with guppies and an albino bristlenose catfish my niece named Spook. We still have Spook more than 13 years and many combinations of fish later! I would still love to have angels but don't have room for a big enough tank for them.
Not a fish, but axolotls sparked my interest and got me into aquariums. I've always been intrigued by by reefs as well, though I've never had a marine tank. 
For me it was the angelfish. I was in love with them when i was a kid.

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