What Was It In The Shop?

I wonder if they will eat planaria wohahaha!
Yes, H.jerdoni do eat these worms
But planaria indicates ammonia is present in the tank, so perform water changes regularly and try to hoover the worms up.
They arrived in on some weed from the LFS. Put four neons in Thursday and watched them rip through the ones climbing the glass this morning, was almost satisfying to watch!

If these guys can catch a few at night and the neons in the day then i am on to a winner! All my stats are fine now so all is good :)
I have changed my mind!

might it be Hara Hara Moss catfish as over 3cm?

Origin: Asia
Common name (s): Moth catfish
Max size: 3.2"
Behavior: nocturnal
pH: neutral pH
Hardness: Unknown
Temperature: 74-82oF
Food: live food, but will accept pelets
Breeding: unknown
Sexual differences: unknown
Water region: Bottom
Butterfly Cats Hara hara, Hara jerdoni These tiny cats will bother no one and can be kept as groups or singly. A really good weird catfish starter.
Hara hara is an old name, it iis now known as Erethistes hara
Common Name: Moth Catfish
Synonyms: Glyptothorax asperus, Hara buchanani, Hara filamentosa, Hara hara, Hara saharsai, Laguvia asperus, Pimelodus asperus, Pimelodus hara
Family: Erethistidae
Distribution: Asia: India, Nepal and Myanmar. Reported from Bangladesh
Size: 12.0cm. (4¾ins)

So I have now read everything from 3cm to 12cm! I guess there is only one way to tell :/
I am getting a larger one next year when I move out, as long as it stays under 8cm for 12 months then that is fine! Every site says they grow to different lengths, hmm. Shame they didnt come in labelled.

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