What type?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 28, 2004
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What kind of stuff should I put in the 2 ADF's so that way they feel at home?
They like a cave to hide in,and they like to chill at the top of the water hanging on a plant,but I only use silk with mine. I have used plastic before,but I think silk looks better. They really like to hide under stuff,just make sure it's big enough for them to not get stuck in. Live plants would work good,I just can't keep them alive. :lol: Just about anything would work with them. :)
Well,to me I think they look very beautiful in natural colored substrate and plants. It makes the tank look like a natural environment and it just enhances them. :)
all i know is they like sand more than gravel and they are light sensetive.
Ours likes leaves that reach the surface. They gentle the current in her 10-gallon cycled tank. She lays in them sometimes, with just her nostrils above water.

Her favorite decoration at the bottom of the tank is a small, upside-down, clay pot saucer, with a 2" wide opening I chisled in the side. She also seems to appreciate the black Tahitian Moon sand substrate.

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