What Type Of Substrate Should I Use


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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hi, im totally new to planted tanks but i plan to make my 20 gallon long into one.

I have a problem with substrate though: which kind should i use. I really want eco-complete but thats to expensive for me right now so i have two choices or subtrate.

Here is a picture of one of them, i found it on the internet and its called course gravel or something like that.

the other choice for me is play sand. I dont have a picture of it but i know that it is sold at lowes and is called "Quikrete 50Lb. Playsand"

Edit: also, i forgot to add. Which of those two substrates would be best for rooting in plants? and which one would be more suitable for corydoras?

also, out of curiosity, how much 20 pound bags(i think thats how much one back of eco complete weighs) do you think i would need if i did have the money to get it for my 20 gallon long?

I suspect you'd need 2 to 3 bags of Eco for a 20 gal long (80cm?) More likely 3.

For Cory's, you can rarely go wrong with play sand, or silver sand (probably the same stuff). The course gravel would be OK, but I think you'd do better with sand.

Have you considered a substrate to go under the sand/gravel? Tetraplant complete is quite good. Costs about half the price of Eco, but of course it has to be topped with something else.
hm, ok ill go with play sand.
About getting a substrate to go under the sand, i thought about that, but wouldnt it not work? Like eventually, the sand since it is smaller grains will seep its way down and the two subtrates will mix. And i have never seen tetraplan complete xD

hm, ok ill go with play sand.
About getting a substrate to go under the sand, i thought about that, but wouldnt it not work? Like eventually, the sand since it is smaller grains will seep its way down and the two subtrates will mix.


I have a layer of soil like substrate at the bottom of my tank with a layer of felt over the top (to provent them from mixing) that can be peirced to root plants. Then on top of that you can have your chosen substrate in my case i used sand over the top
Sorry im not sure what type of felt as it came in the tank when i bought it. I will try and find out but if not you would have to ask at your lfs they should be able to advise you. I doubt it would cost very much at all to be honest.

I have recently planted plants by cutting small slits in it and pushing the roots through it seems to have worked really well. I will keep you posted on that though.

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