What 'type' Of Glass For Diy Tank Build?


Aug 16, 2004
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Derby, UK
Can anyone help me with this query.....

What 'type' of glass do I need for a DIY tank build?

I'm thinking about building a replacement tank for my 4'6"x18"x12" as it's scratched and chipped in several places, and is obviously a non-standard size, so I can't just go out and buy a replacement.

My current tank is made out of 6mm glass, is this ok for the replacement?

Is it 'float' glass, or 'plate' glass, or something else I need ?!?

Also, I'm going to get a local glass company to pre-cut the glass. Should I also get them to bevel the edges so that they're not razor sharp? Is so, what kind of radius do I need?

Tanks in advance for any help ;) (anyone get the play on words there...... no? ok I'll get my coat!) :D

I would go for 8mm + just because I'm aways cautious. But saying that I did fix all 3 of my breeding tanks with 6mm glass...
Now I don't know what 'float' glass is, but the company who cut the glass for me were using pane glass (i think)

Anyway tank building can be fun, tedious, but fun. Good luck and if you haven't already, there's a good 'how to build a tank' thread in the DIY section that would be useful to have a quite read over.

Btw I think for something that size, I wouldn't get the edges bevelled. It may be sharp, but nothing bonds better than 2 flush surfaces.

*EDIT* plate.. oops!
I work as a glasscutter in a glass factory and build all my own tanks.
If I were you I'd go with 8mm if poss. but this is not always available. You could use 6mm plate and either have it tempered or use more top braces than normal. It would be nice to have the glass run through a straight line beveller, with just a slight bevel which will allow you a neater seal when building. If not then just run down the edges with course glasspaper.
I've emailed 3 local glass companies with my requirements....

I've gone for 8mm glass for the sides, and 10mm glass for the base... will see what they come back with.

Then I just need to find a cheap source of sealant ;)
W2G Andy,
Good luck with the build, keep us posted how you get on, maybe do a little article on the build itself for others to gain info.
Will cost it all up, and post up here if I decide to go ahead with it !! ;)

Any idea how many tubes I will need for a 4'6" tank ?!?
Id say having two would be enough but as you say is cheap, so I ordered half a dozen, Obviously you wont need all that but theres nothing worse than needing the odd bit of silicone sealant and find your clean out.
If I were you I'd order 4 tubes.
Cant be bad at that price.
good plan, I'll then be able to build a few slate caves and a pebble/slate device for young fry to hang out in with the excess silicone.... ;)
Had the 1st quote back...... £250 :eek: ouch

There's a company advertising on Ebay, for assembled tanks to custom measurements, so I've emailed them aswell to see what they will quote for a fully made tank :D
Did you try Windsor aquatics down in the site sponsors section? I have always found them very reasonable for custom built tanks.
Just had a reply from Keith @ Windsor (quick reply or what!)

Let's just say it's alot cheaper than just buying the glass from a local company! and that includes delivery :thumbup:

Will have a think (and a chat with the boss.... my fiancee!) and see if I can afford it..... ;)

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