What type of fish is this ?


New Member
Nov 26, 2021
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Jack Dempsey cichlid. Really pretty American cichlid, but quite aggressive too.
Put it with other Central American cichlids and there will be very little nastiness. Far heavier hitters in that category, making a Dempsey seem very much placid.
In a very old book from Gunther Sterba "Aquarienkunde in zwei Bände" from the sixties this fish is shown as Chiclasoma Biocellatum and does lives in the Amazonian main river and in Rio Negro as well, nowadays names changed quite as for Cichlasoma and in the 60es there was no Jack Dempsey, which i believe is a mix of C. biocellatum and a Central American cichlid, it is not right? And i've also read he's sterile and not able to get babies.
Nastier fish would include the Texas Cichlid and the Convict Cichlid, but it would be rated on the nasty list.
Nastier fish would include the Texas Cichlid and the Convict Cichlid, but it would be rated on the nasty list.
I think Jack Dempsey top the list for aggression out of the 3 species listed.

Most agro to least agro
Jack Dempsey, then Texas, then convict.

there's plenty of other nasty fish too, dovii, managuense, they will eat a Jack Dempsey
Cichlides should remain cichlides, only for the giant tank category, i can't afford them but i find them full interesting and beauty, most of them are rough predators. Crenicara filamentosa or some apistogramma for my possibilities

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