What Type Of Eel?


Aug 10, 2007
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Central NJ
In another thread i mentioned a 48 gallon corner tank set up for african fish. Well that's what i did. I have an african butterfly fish, a senegal, syno and a leopard perch(Ctenopoma acutirostre). BTW, it's a 44 gallon pent tank...i miscalculated. :blush: i was just wondering if it's possible to have a Half-banded eel(Macrognathus circumcinctus) as well. or some other type of eel. i did some research on some of the more common eels and that is the only one that i can fit in the tank at adult size. But what about bio-load and compatibility?

Any advice is appreciated
I dont think id add an eel into that shaped tank, maybe some African middle dwellers...Congo Tetras etc..
The senegal limits the choice of fish to species that it won't eat when it grows large enough. Krib's are not one of those. I had an ornate a few years back, I picked it up as a disposal for excess convict cichlid fry. It decided it didn't want to wait for the fry, and ate the adults. I really didn't think it was large enough, but obviously I was wrong. :blush:
DarkEntity had his congo eaten by his senegal. Do not underestimate the mouth size of these fish.

yip i did, but if you get them large enough they are a great centre swimming fish for an African tank.
OK i'll keep an eye on the senegal. Thanks i'm gonna go with the congos. shoaling fish means 6 or more right?

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