What Type Of Algae Cleaning Fish ?


New Member
Aug 31, 2007
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what type of algae eating fish would anyone recommend for my 20 gallon fresh water tank. which cleans best?
It really depends on the type algae you have. Different fish/shrimp eat different types of algae and may not touch another kind. Siamese algae eaters seem to be some of the best as they eat a pretty wide variety of algae types and are good community fish.
The biggest problem with otos is that are very sensitive to water conditions. Because they are wild caught, there is also a large die-off when they get them in too so make sure they've had them for a couple weeks or you can probably expect to lose up to half of what you get pretty quickly.
what type of algae eating fish would anyone recommend for my 20 gallon fresh water tank. which cleans best?

hi i would suggest either a butter fly plec or a normal plec but its really up to you and what other cohabitants you have and or what size they are :good: :good:
I have had a SAE and did not find them suitable for a smaller tank. They can be aggresive towards other fish and will eat less and less algae as they get older. Otos are great and stay small, get a couple so they don't get lonely :)
I have had a SAE and did not find them suitable for a smaller tank. They can be aggresive towards other fish and will eat less and less algae as they get older.
I think you mean a CAE as everything you described is them to a tee. They are the ones that get aggressive. SAEs are some of the most peaceful fish around. I've had them for over 2 years and they neer bother anything. It's possible you have one of the look-alikes though a flying foxes and false SAEs both are aggressive toward their own kind and you should only have one of them in the tank. You can have as many true SAEs as you want.
I have had a SAE and did not find them suitable for a smaller tank. They can be aggresive towards other fish and will eat less and less algae as they get older.
I think you mean a CAE as everything you described is them to a tee. They are the ones that get aggressive. SAEs are some of the most peaceful fish around. I've had them for over 2 years and they neer bother anything. It's possible you have one of the look-alikes though a flying foxes and false SAEs both are aggressive toward their own kind and you should only have one of them in the tank. You can have as many true SAEs as you want.

Sorry I always get CAE and SAE mixed up and forget which is which haha. I am sure it wasn't a flying Fox, it must have been a CAE.

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