What To Stock?


New Member
Dec 3, 2007
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hi, i've kept tropical for 4 years but lost more fish then i can count due to ammonia n nitrates problems so decided to sell up n buy marine fish instead . bought a complete set up from my lfs including aquaone 620t tank, 10kg live rock and live sand, 25 gallon of salt water and 5 gallon of ro water, skimmer, heater and filter. been running for about 6 months now,happy to report never had any water problems. it's stocked with 2 blue green chromis, 1 yellow bellied damsel, 1 regal tang, 1 clown fish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 orange & purple lobster and 3 blue legged hermit crabs. got lots of sea grass growing of the lr, basically want to know how many fish/inverts and corals i can safely hold in my tank, to eliminate over stocking. any good ideas for corals and fish would be great. Dimentions are 62x39x52cm and about 130lt. Lighting is T5
The wattage of the lighting would be useful. The fact that it's t5 doesnt really mean anything. As far as fish, I wouldnt do anything that grows more than 2.5" in there. Make a nice goby tank :)
The wattage of the lighting would be useful. The fact that it's t5 doesnt really mean anything. As far as fish, I wouldnt do anything that grows more than 2.5" in there. Make a nice goby tank :)
their is 2 18w bulbs,

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