What To Stock My Tank With ?

[email protected]

New Member
Feb 2, 2012
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Was wondering what sould I stock my 270l tank with I'm a novice and am not keeping corals but am looking for some interesting and colourful fish !!!
Do you want a FOWLR or Reef tank?
What fish do you like?
I like clown fish,tangs,Dragonets,Lion fish,trigger fish etc any other suggestions ???
Thanks for the response
Valentini puffer (Toby) have great little characters! If you are willing and have a source to keep buying rivershrimp every week then wartskin anglers and zebra, fuzzy dwarf and fumanchu lionfish are cute.

IMO triggers will wreak havoc and get way too big for that tank, same for tangs.

There are some gorgeous wrasse species out there and very tolerant of each other. I'm loving the leopard wrasse and the lunar wrasse at the moment.. And a nice sifting goby like a pink spot goby or a blue cheek goby.

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