What to put in empty 75 gal


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Tuckerton, New Jersey
I just want everybody's opinions on what they think should go in my 75 gallon tank. All suggestions welcome, just include info and reasons for your choices. Let the games begin...
j/k :) - i have an empty 75g 2, im just setting it up as a mbuna african cichlid tank, alot of different colours in these fish, so its a good choice if u wanna "feature" tank like me :)
I'm with jamie.

250lbs of rock and a bunch of mbuna cichlids. That's what I have and man are they great!

If you aren't into that... hmm....

How about a ram and angel tank? In a well planted 75g, you could have a couple of pairs of each, along with some corys and a couple of schools of tetras.

Or if you want an asian theme... how about 5 clown loaches, a BUNCH of rasboras (20), and a couple of pairs of pearl gourami? All fantastic fish.

75g is a great size. You have many options. Good luck deciding! :thumbs:
I really did want to go marine, so bad, but I considered the cost, and I'll leave it as a dream for now. So, good idea, but nix the marine (also why I put it in the freshwater section).
Cichlids are always rewarding to keep. I don't know if you've kept them before, but if not I'll give you warning - once you do, you never go back! (Unless you don't research, in which case a fatal disaster may throw you off them)

Mbuna are readily recommended, and georgous fish, but I will be the one to warn you that with these you are dabbling with very aggressive fish, so lots of research, and experimentation, is necessary for success. If you like a nice, relaxing and peaceful setup then I would certainly not go near these guys, but there are many cichlids that would still work, both from Africa and the New World.
freddyk...I'm fairly familiar with cichlids. I have 4 angels, 7 convicts, and a green terror. My one friend also has a bunch of pseudotrophius zebras that I'm pretty close with. Those were actually a consideration for this tank because he has so many fry that he doesn't know what to do with them all...the local fish stores all have his fry and are pretty much maxed out on them. I see more fry from his zebras then I do from my platy and guppy combined (lucky). Anyways...the zebras were a consideration, but I wanted to try something different than him. Everybody...keep the suggestions coming! Thanks to all.
I have in my 75 gal:

6 Electric Yellows
5 Malawi Blue Dolphins
4 Firebird peacocks
3 clown loaches
1 red-tailed black shark
3 bnose catfish (2 female, one male)

The peacocks are aggro but only with each other.....the clowns follow the other fish and the RTBS keeps to himself....the yellow labs are like puppies...always play fighting....
I'm pretty sure I'm going to put clown loaches in, what would be okay with them? Just about anything I would assume because they stay out of the way. And I know it's near impossible, but I really want to try breeding the loaches...do the impossible, I'm taking the challenge. I've read a few stories where it happened, figured maybe I could do it too. Do you think I could breed discus and loaches both in that tank?
If you fancied the marine but didnt like the cost then why not go for a brackish set up?

Brackish set ups are very similar to marine but without the costly lights and live rock and of course less salt. There are loads of species of fish and even some inverts that will do well in a brackish set up and with a bit of careful planning and a good eye brackish tanks can look almost as good a marine tanks but without the hard work and fuss.
Put in a Barred Midas from Jeff Rapps, get one of his fry "BigHead" an award winning fish, that fish will make you money.

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